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Notify on Error



Please help me to how to configure Apache Nifi to send error notifications to an email.


can you kindly suggest me an approach to achieve this.


Thank you!





Hi @ushasri,

There are plenty of ways to perform such a thing, but here are three ways I have already implemented the alert in my flows so far:

  • You can have an PutEmail at the end of each failure Queue and in that why, when a message gets rejected you will get notified by email. This can be done strictly in NiFi.
  • You can create a monitoring system which will interrogate your Bulletin Board using NiFi's REST API and send you whatever alerts you want. This can be done either directly inside NiFi or with a shell/python script on your server.
  • You tail the nifi-app.logs on each server and extract only the errors you are interested in. This solution can be implemented both in NiFi and on your local server.