Created 05-10-2017 01:24 PM
We are currently running 4 kafka brokers v0.8 in our cluster (HDP-2.3.2-2950) and we would like to test some v0.10 brokers in the same cluster. Is this possible? I was thinking about installing manuallly in some machines of the cluster from HDP-2.6.0 repo and apart from Ambari, but I don't know how this will affect zookeepers and if the whole of brokers will be seen as 2 groups of brokers and will work indepently.
I would need advice 🙂
Created 05-10-2017 03:34 PM
Yes, you can install and manage the second set of Kafka brokers manually (not through Ambari). As for Zookeeper, it can manage multiple Kafka clusters. Just "chroot" them differently
Take a look at the link below on how zookeeper manages sessions and on chroot.
To do this:
1) Create the chroot in Zookeeper with the below commands -server yourZookeeperHost:2181
# note the empty brackets below are _required_ create /kafkaCluster1 []
This will create a path called "kafkaCluster1". You can verify this by running the "ls/" command.
(* replace "yourZookeeperHost" and the port number with the appropriate values from you environment)
2) For the Kafka brokers configs, under "zookeeper.connect", add a "chroot" path which will make all kafka data for this cluster appear under that particular path. To do this give a connection string in the form kafka_v08_1:port1,kafka_v08_2:port2,kafka_v08_3:port3 yourZookeeperHost:2181/kafkaCluster1
which would put all this cluster's data under the path yourZookeeperHost:2181/kafkaCluster1
3) For the Kafka consumer configs, under "zookeeper.connect", input the same as you did in step 2 for the brokers
4) Repeat steps 1-3 for your second Kafka cluster using a different "chroot" path
For more explanation of Kafka configs take a look at the below link.
Created 05-10-2017 03:34 PM
Yes, you can install and manage the second set of Kafka brokers manually (not through Ambari). As for Zookeeper, it can manage multiple Kafka clusters. Just "chroot" them differently
Take a look at the link below on how zookeeper manages sessions and on chroot.
To do this:
1) Create the chroot in Zookeeper with the below commands -server yourZookeeperHost:2181
# note the empty brackets below are _required_ create /kafkaCluster1 []
This will create a path called "kafkaCluster1". You can verify this by running the "ls/" command.
(* replace "yourZookeeperHost" and the port number with the appropriate values from you environment)
2) For the Kafka brokers configs, under "zookeeper.connect", add a "chroot" path which will make all kafka data for this cluster appear under that particular path. To do this give a connection string in the form kafka_v08_1:port1,kafka_v08_2:port2,kafka_v08_3:port3 yourZookeeperHost:2181/kafkaCluster1
which would put all this cluster's data under the path yourZookeeperHost:2181/kafkaCluster1
3) For the Kafka consumer configs, under "zookeeper.connect", input the same as you did in step 2 for the brokers
4) Repeat steps 1-3 for your second Kafka cluster using a different "chroot" path
For more explanation of Kafka configs take a look at the below link.
Created 05-10-2017 04:04 PM
Well, we have currently running 4 v0.8 brokers with default config. How should I config Zookeepers to specify new brokers in second cluster?
Created 05-10-2017 04:05 PM
I enter ZkCli but I don't know how to do
Created 05-10-2017 04:18 PM
I've updated my response to include the steps.
Created 05-11-2017 10:12 AM
So, do I have to chroot existing cluster too? This 4 brokers group is in production and I can´t stop them.
Apart from this, I'll install 3 new brokers in a second cluster but this will be v0.10. Can I use same zookeepers? I have HDP-2.3.2-2950 and I'll install this second group from HDP-2.6 repositories
Created 05-11-2017 03:03 PM
You do not need to change the path for your existing cluster. Leave it as is. Chroot the second/new cluster. As for versions, you should be ok. To make your config life easier, I suggest you not install both Kafka versions on the same nodes though.
Created 05-11-2017 03:52 PM
Great!! Well, I was thinkg about installing these v0.10 brokers in other empty machines. I suppose it's imposible to manage these v0.10 brokers in same Ambari, right? Maybe I should have both HDP versions installed, but only one of them is current...well, to difficult maybe.
Anyway, thank you very very much for your answers, you saved my life 🙂
I'll mark your answer as accepted 🙂
Created 05-11-2017 03:55 PM
Glad I could help. No, unfortunately you won't be able to manage both clusters with the same Ambari.
Created 05-10-2017 03:49 PM
Well, we have currently running 4 v0.8 brokers with default config. How should I config Zookeepers to specify new brokers in second cluster?