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Send flowfile to two different processors in parallel


I have flowfile which needs to be sent to two different processors which does transformation on the Json. 
Flow will be split into two parts which are independent of each other so they can be performed parallel but the input for these two parts is the same flow file. 
how can I send a flowfile in a queue to two different processors at same time.



@Anderosn, let me see if I understood correctly:
- you have a processor which sends to a success queue a flowfile.
- you would like to have this flowfile processed in parallel by two different processors, in the same time, right?

If so, you just need to link the success queue from your first processor to both of the processors which are performing transformation on the JSON and you will achieve what you have described.

Otherwise, please be a little bit more explicit in what you are trying to achieve 🙂

View solution in original post

Super Guru

Hi @Anderosn ,

If I understood you correctly  then you are trying to duplicate the flowfile so that it can be sent to different processors, is that right? if that is the case then you can easily drag the same relationship multiple times from a given processor, so lets assume in the upstream processor where you are getting the result flowfile is sending this flowfile to the success relationship, then you can drag two success relationship to different downstream processors and process the same content differently in parallel.






If that helps please accept solution.


View solution in original post



@Anderosn, let me see if I understood correctly:
- you have a processor which sends to a success queue a flowfile.
- you would like to have this flowfile processed in parallel by two different processors, in the same time, right?

If so, you just need to link the success queue from your first processor to both of the processors which are performing transformation on the JSON and you will achieve what you have described.

Otherwise, please be a little bit more explicit in what you are trying to achieve 🙂

Super Guru

Hi @Anderosn ,

If I understood you correctly  then you are trying to duplicate the flowfile so that it can be sent to different processors, is that right? if that is the case then you can easily drag the same relationship multiple times from a given processor, so lets assume in the upstream processor where you are getting the result flowfile is sending this flowfile to the success relationship, then you can drag two success relationship to different downstream processors and process the same content differently in parallel.






If that helps please accept solution.
