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Stop all AWS instances

New Contributor


We want to stop Cloudera environment. After we stopped it via Management Console, we discovered there are liftie-***-liftie-infra-NodeGroup instances still running on AWS. Liftie Nodes are part of Scaling Group.

Is it safe to stop those instances by hand via AWS console?

We would be able to start them also by hand and later start Cloudera env.


Expert Contributor

I did some testing on my test workspace, below are the steps followed:
> suspended the workspace
> in AWS console, EC2 Autoscaling group set the min & desired count for the liftie infra node group as 0
> after completion of the update, validated in the CDP management console workspace details, I saw the count on Platform infra went to 0 
> in the EC2 auto scaling group, set desired and min count as 2 in the liftie infra node group and once update completed, validated same on Workspace details
> resumed the workspace and validated session launch was successful 

Indeed, I was able to scale down all the AWS instance to 0

Would not suggest this on PROD or any critical environments [not sure what could be the effect on workspace that run on production scale]
In case of non prod, test in thoroughly and "implement on your own risk"

Why do you consider backup and restore operations?
When a workspace was not required, instead of suspending and manually scaling down the nodes can you consider backup the workspace and restore the backup when required.

Anyhow, since you are planning for a complete shutdown it won't be a prod workspace. Backup/Restore could be an alternate option for non-prod workspace and again it is a cost effective option.


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Community Manager

@wikbal Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our experts @Gopinath @Mike  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


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Expert Contributor

In general, running any commands on the Cloud Provider console is not recommended as it could case the Cloud instances and CDP control plane out of sync.

In case of CML, a liftie/Platform infra instance group with 2 m5.large and an m5.2xlarge on CAI Infra instance group will be running even the workspace is suspended status. Stopping those nodes manually are not tested and it could result into unexpected scenario.

New Contributor

Thanks for an answer!

If we can't stop the instances in liftie/Platform infra instance groups, is it safe to scale down those groups to only one instance per group? 

Expert Contributor

I did some testing on my test workspace, below are the steps followed:
> suspended the workspace
> in AWS console, EC2 Autoscaling group set the min & desired count for the liftie infra node group as 0
> after completion of the update, validated in the CDP management console workspace details, I saw the count on Platform infra went to 0 
> in the EC2 auto scaling group, set desired and min count as 2 in the liftie infra node group and once update completed, validated same on Workspace details
> resumed the workspace and validated session launch was successful 

Indeed, I was able to scale down all the AWS instance to 0

Would not suggest this on PROD or any critical environments [not sure what could be the effect on workspace that run on production scale]
In case of non prod, test in thoroughly and "implement on your own risk"

Why do you consider backup and restore operations?
When a workspace was not required, instead of suspending and manually scaling down the nodes can you consider backup the workspace and restore the backup when required.

Anyhow, since you are planning for a complete shutdown it won't be a prod workspace. Backup/Restore could be an alternate option for non-prod workspace and again it is a cost effective option.


New Contributor

Thank You for checking it out! 

I have just questions about terminology:
- what do U mean by "workspace"? Is it an Cloudera environment we can find in Management Console?
- "suspended the workspace" means stop environment?