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ThriftTransport Error

New Contributor

Hi Everyone


i am getting the following error while running any query in hue impala

could not connect to PKHBLC1DLCSB2:21050( code THRIFTTRANSPORT): TTransportException('could not connect to PKHBLC1DLCSB2:21050',)


kindly help me to resolve this issue.



Master Mentor



I don't know how you expect any member to help on a subject with no context. The least you could do is provide some logs, screenshots, description of the environment or components etc



While trying to used the hue Web Ui I've had the same problem.

I my case the problem was that the impala service was not running.


I was trying to do a hive query but impala was set as the default application. So as soon as I connect to

Hue Web Ui it tries to connect to the Impala server and throws the error message. Therefore any query you run gets executed by impala and throws the error. To solve this, you must check that impala service is running properly.