Created 04-20-2021 12:41 AM
I got a problem while sending a Zero Byte flow file through Nifi PutSFTP processor. Wondering if there is some configuration I have to set? thanks.
Use case:
get a file from a directory (GetFile Processor)
send the file through SFTP (PutSFTP Processor)
if success, change the filename to new filename (UpdateAttribute Processor)
Remove the all of the content (ReplaceText Processor). Zero Byte flow file
send the new filename through SFTP (PutSFTP Processor)
I gotten this error while sending Zero Byte flow file over using PutSFTP Processor
PutSFTP[id=1a091db4-1f9e-14cd-5206-1514485febc8] Rejecting StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=247457a8-6608-4271-a626-3c016a1bbe7c,claim=StandardContentClaim [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1618805512561-40, container=default, section=40], offset=15043, length=0],offset=0,name=AS_MPS_20200927_010010.xml.done,size=0] because it is zero bytes
It will be great if someone could help me.
Thanks in advance.
Created 06-08-2021 06:07 AM
The PutSFTP processor contains the following configuration property:
Do you have that set to false on the particular putSFTP processor throwing the exception?
Created 05-06-2021 02:15 PM
Details around your use case would be helpful here. The putSFTP processor is designed to write FlowFile content to a target SFTP server location. If you have no content to write, there is nothing for it to do.
Created 06-08-2021 06:07 AM
The PutSFTP processor contains the following configuration property:
Do you have that set to false on the particular putSFTP processor throwing the exception?