Created 10-10-2017 09:49 AM
im based on
selected spark2 and all its required dependencies
the following services have an error:
i receive the following error on manual starting history server
INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,565 - Testing the JVM's JCE policy to see it if supports an unlimited key length. INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,565 - Testing the JVM's JCE policy to see it if supports an unlimited key length. INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,681 - Some mount points were ignored: /dev, /run, /, /dev/shm, /run/lock, /sys/fs/cgroup, /boot, /home, /run/user/108, /run/user/1007, /run/user/1005, /run/user/1010, /run/user/1011, /run/user/1012, /run/user/1001 INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,682 - Sending Heartbeat (id = 4066) INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,688 - Heartbeat response received (id = 4067) INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,688 - Heartbeat interval is 1 seconds INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,688 - Updating configurations from heartbeat INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,688 - Adding cancel/execution commands INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:10,688 - Waiting 0.9 for next heartbeat INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:11,589 - Wait for next heartbeat over WARNING 2017-10-10 04:57:22,205 - [Alert][namenode_hdfs_capacity_utilization] Unable to execute alert. division by zero INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:27,060 - Updating cached configurations for cluster vqcluster INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:27,071 - Adding 1 commands. Heartbeat id = 4085 INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:27,071 - Adding EXECUTION_COMMAND for role SPARK2_JOBHISTORYSERVER for service SPARK2 of cluster vqcluster to the queue. INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:27,081 - Executing command with id = 68-0, taskId = 307 for role = SPARK2_JOBHISTORYSERVER of cluster vqcluster. INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:27,081 - Command execution metadata - taskId = 307, retry enabled = False, max retry duration (sec) = 0, log_output = True WARNING 2017-10-10 04:57:27,083 - [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/output-307.txt' INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:32,563 - Command ['/usr/bin/python', u'/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/SPARK2/2.0.0/package/scripts/', u'START', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/command-307.json', u'/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/SPARK2/2.0.0/package', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/structured-out-307.json', 'INFO', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp', 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1', ''] failed with exitcode=1 INFO 2017-10-10 04:57:32,577 - Command 'export COLUMNS=9999 ; ps faux' returned 0. USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND
Created 10-15-2017 07:03 AM
Sorry to hear you are encountering all these problems. Could you tell me the
HDP,Ambari and OS type and version you are trying to install.
I will try to guide you.
Created 10-10-2017 10:01 AM
Are you running ambari server as "root" or non root user?
Do you have proper write permission (Read-Write) inside the following directory "/var/lib/ambari-agent/data"
WARNING 2017-10-1004:57:27,[Errno2] No such file or directory:'/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/output-307.txt'
Created 10-10-2017 12:56 PM
i started the ambari agent with non root user
i fixed the permission issue
setfacl -m u:admin:rwx /var/lib/ambari-agent/data
still have the same error
INFO 2017-10-08 06:53:44,072 - Updating cached configurations for cluster vqcluster INFO 2017-10-08 06:53:44,084 - Adding 1 commands. Heartbeat id = 3567 INFO 2017-10-08 06:53:44,085 - Adding EXECUTION_COMMAND for role HISTORYSERVER for service MAPREDUCE2 of cluster vqcluster to the queue. INFO 2017-10-08 06:53:44,117 - Executing command with id = 26-0, taskId = 100 for role = HISTORYSERVER of cluster vqcluster. INFO 2017-10-08 06:53:44,117 - Command execution metadata - taskId = 100, retry enabled = False, max retry duration (sec) = 0, log_output = True INFO 2017-10-08 06:53:44,931 - Command ['/usr/bin/python', u'/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/YARN/', u'START', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/command-100.json', u'/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/YARN/', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/structured-out-100.json', 'INFO', '/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp', 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1', ''] failed with exitcode=1 <br>
Created 10-10-2017 03:11 PM
Hi @ilia kheifets,
Did you do the sudoer configuration for Ambari agents. If not please follow the doc and perform the steps, restart ambari agents and try to start the history server.
Created 10-15-2017 05:38 AM
HI, i tried it and indeed had to change the user under "run_as_user" but the error still exist
i also tried to do a new setup as root user (on a clean install and still have the same issue)
when i tried to run the command manually:
/usr/bin/python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/YARN/ START /var/lib/ambari-agent/data/command-100.json /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/YARN/ /var/lib/ambari-agent/data/structured-out-100.json INFO /var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp PROTOCOL_TLSv1
i receive the error
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/YARN/", line 22, in <module> from resource_management.libraries.script.script import Script
Created 10-15-2017 07:03 AM
Sorry to hear you are encountering all these problems. Could you tell me the
HDP,Ambari and OS type and version you are trying to install.
I will try to guide you.
Created 10-15-2017 07:11 AM
ubuntu 16.4 based on
and ubuntu 14.4 based on
HDP- | |
HDFS | 2.7.3 |
YARN | 2.7.3 |
MapReduce2 | 2.7.3 |
Tez | 0.7.0 |
Hive | 1.2.1000 |
Pig | 0.16.0 |
ZooKeeper | 3.4.6 |
Ambari Metrics | 0.1.0 |
SmartSense | |
Spark2 | 2.1.1 |
Slider | 0.92.0 |
Created 10-15-2017 08:14 AM
What is your cluster size? what error especially are you experiencing?
Once you respond, I never experience such a problem n Ubuntu, will build a single node cluster and try to reproduce your error.
Created 10-15-2017 08:28 AM
for the test case i used a total of 3 computers
the error mentioned in the first post, upon starting all services on all nodes, the History Server ,Hive Metastore ,HiveServer2 faill to start.
I made a simple step by step install, with no special configuration on fresh vm, based on clean images from
Created 10-15-2017 08:41 AM
Curious though did you install ambari-agent on the ambari server too? If you didn't please do that and edit /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini to point to the new host.
[server] hostname={Ambari-server_FQDN} url_port=8440 secured_url_port=8441
Please le me know before I build an environment to reproduce your issue!