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cloudera manager repo always points to the internet

Expert Contributor

I successfully installed the cloudera manager on my 1 server. I went into the http://nn1work:7180/cmf and am trying to build my cluster.


I choose the parcel based installation and it tries to install the software on my data nodes.


I get an error 


validating format of repository file /tmp/scm_prepare_node.E7pvzQG6/repos/rhel6/cloudera-manager.repo 

installing repository file /tmp/scm_prepare_node.E7pvzQG6/repos/rhel6/cloudera-manager.repo
repository file /tmp/scm_prepare_node.E7pvzQG6/repos/rhel6/cloudera-manager.repo installed

Refreshing package metadata...

BEGIN yum clean all
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Cleaning repos: cloudera-manager
Cleaning up Everything
Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors
END (0)
BEGIN rm -Rf /var/cache/yum/x86_64
END (0)
BEGIN yum makecache
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, 'connect() timed out!')
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: cloudera-manager. Please verify its path and try again
END (1)

Installing cloudera-manager-agent package...

BEGIN yum list installed cloudera-manager-agent
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Error: No matching Packages to list
END (1)
BEGIN yum info cloudera-manager-agent
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Determining fastest mirrors [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, 'connect() timed out!')
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: cloudera-manager. Please verify its path and try again
END (1)
cloudera-manager-agent must have Version=5.2.1 and Build=109, exiting
closing logging file descriptor
I can open the /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-manager.repo file and I can see that it is pointing to the internet. I edit this file and make the baseurl point to my local repository and then retry the failed install.
what the cloudera does is that it overwrites my cloudera-manager.repo file with a new one which is again pointing to the internet.
why is it doing that? how can I make the install use my customer cloudera repo rather than the one on the internet?

If you have correctly installed, configured, and started your agents, then they should automatically appear in Cloudera Manager (if you click on the Cloudera Manager Logo, then the hosts tab, you should see them).

If they don't appear there, then there was probably an error in starting them, they weren't configured properly, or you forgot to start the agents. Look in logs at /var/log/cloudera-scm-agent if the agents are started but not appearing.

View solution in original post


Expert Contributor

I went and manually installed the following components on each node of my cluster using my customer repository


sudo yum install -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=cloudera-manager,c6-media cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-cdh-5*


now when I run the cluster creation wizard it again tries to install cloudera-manager-agent from the internet repository and fails




Please help!! and stop making it go to the internet but try to use my local repository (or just use the already installed cloudera-scm-agent)



Expert Contributor

Please help. this is really frustration. it seems all repo files which are copied on the hosts during cluster creation are pointing to



There's an option to customize where the Cloudera Manager agent binaries come from. Look carefully at each page of the wizard. You may need to scroll down on one of the pages to see it.

You can also do a Path B install, ie install the agents yourself instead of having CM do it.

Expert Contributor

Actually I did install all the agents manually. but when I start up the http://cn1work:7180 it insists on installing it.


for JDK it gives me a checkbox to say yes/no for installation 


but for agent it just begins to install.



If you have correctly installed, configured, and started your agents, then they should automatically appear in Cloudera Manager (if you click on the Cloudera Manager Logo, then the hosts tab, you should see them).

If they don't appear there, then there was probably an error in starting them, they weren't configured properly, or you forgot to start the agents. Look in logs at /var/log/cloudera-scm-agent if the agents are started but not appearing.


This actually solved the problem regarding scm-agents but not the actual question related the repository pointing remote URL instead of local one.

Rising Star

But if I havn't complete installation, how will it appear when click coudera logo?