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connection refused on spark client code connections


I have a 5 node cluster installed using Cloudera manager 5.0.1.


I can run spark-shell on each of the nodes with no problem. Then I tried connecting using spark client code. I am not able to connect, every node whether master or worker dumps out logs like this.


akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport$$anonfun$associate$1$$anon$2: Connection refused:


each node shows a diffeent port number. When I test telnet to those ports, I always get a connection refused. any one knows how these ports are set, whether fail to telnet means trouble? in general how to approach this problem?



New Contributor

it seems firewall problem; try this command on each machine to sure it:


service iptables stop


Actuallty, it is not an issue with firewall. apparently no firewall was set.


I am able to run the same scala code using spark-shell. What I noticed is that when spark-shell connects to workers, it uses all kinds of port numbers but not 7000. inital akka tcp seems to be connecting to spark master on port 55375.


However, when I run the sbt code, it always tries to connect to spark master using 7000. is there a way to set this port number in the scala code.


New Contributor

set the port number in file, SPARK-WORKER-PORT.