Created 03-07-2018 12:34 AM
i want to deploy cloudera manager on ubuntu,for this i need to create a local cdh repo ...pls guide how to create a local repo in ubuntu................thnks
Created 03-07-2018 04:12 AM
You can create CDH repo, like how you create normal repo in ubuntu with CDH base url.
You can use the following links:
Created 03-07-2018 04:12 AM
You can create CDH repo, like how you create normal repo in ubuntu with CDH base url.
You can use the following links:
Created 03-08-2018 05:36 AM
Created 03-11-2018 11:13 PM
Created 03-14-2018 03:03 AM
Created 03-14-2018 09:15 AM
Check this out
It allows you to create a temporary repository without installing any software. Suppose that you have python installed.