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file location in HDP
Created ‎12-14-2016 08:22 AM
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This might come across as a very naive question as I have never used Linux before. I was wondering where can I view the files inside the sandbox like hadoop configuration files? What is the path? Data files on the data node??
I should log onto the sandbox via the command line via root and where should i navigate to then.
I was thinking of configuring a GUI (Gnome) for the sandbox, but unfortunately every simple task has proven to be more difficult than I expected. I do find answers to the problems that I face, online but unfortunately mostly the solutions would not work for me.
I have trouble turning off the firewall in the sandbox (Centos 6.8)
I have trouble installing Gnome because I get no package available etc.
Lastly is this necessary? or if i have ambari I do not need to install the GUI?
Trouble in pinging my machine from the guest.
Trouble copying files to the guest machine.... conneciton refused 😞
Created ‎12-14-2016 07:26 PM
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@Arsalan Siddiqi, I'll try to answer the several pieces of your question.
- First, I encourage you to go through the Sandbox Tutorial at http://hortonworks.com/hadoop-tutorial/learning-the-ropes-of-the-hortonworks-sandbox/ It will help you understand a great deal about the Sandbox, and what it is intended to do and how to use it.
- The sandbox comes with Ambari and the Stack pre-installed. You shouldn't need to change OS system settings in the Sandbox VM, which is intended to act like an "appliance". Also, the sandbox already has everything Ambari needs to run successfully, over the HTTP Web interface. No need to configure graphic packages on the sandbox VM.
- Ambari provides a quite nice GUI for a large variety of things you might want to do with an HDP Stack, including viewing and modifying configurations, seeing the health and activity levels of HDP services, stopping and re-starting component services, and even viewing contents of HDFS files.
- While you can view the component config files at (in most cases) /etc/<componentname>/conf/* in the sandbox VM's native file system, please DO NOT try to change configurations there. The configs are Ambari-managed, and like any Ambari installation, if you change the files yourself, the ambari-agent will just change them back! Instead, use the Ambari GUI to change any configurations you wish, then press the Save button, and restart the affected services (Ambari will prompt you).
- The data files for HDFS are stored as usual in the native filesystem location defined by HDFS config parameter "dfs.datanode.data.dir". However, it won't do you much good to go look there, because the blockfiles stored there are not readily human-understandable. As you may know, HDFS layers its own filesystem on top of the native file system, storing each replica of each block as a file in a datanode. If you want to check the contents of HDFS directories, you're much better off to use the HDFS file browser, as follows:
- In Ambari, select the HDFS service view, and pull down the "Quick Links" menu at the top center. Select "Namenode UI".
- In the Namenode UI, pull down the "Utilities" menu at the top right. Select "Browse the file system".
- This will take you to the "Browse Directory" UI. You may click thru the directory names at the right edge, or type an HDFS directory path into the text box at the top of the directory listing. If you click on a file name, you will see info about the blocks of that file (short files only have Block 0), and you may download the file if you want to see the contents.
- Note that HDFS files are always immutable. HDFS files may be appended to, but cannot be edited.
- For copying files to the Sandbox VM, first make sure you can access the sandbox through 'ssh', as documented near the beginning of the Tutorial under "Explore the Sandbox"; then see http://hortonworks.com/hadoop-tutorial/learning-the-ropes-of-the-hortonworks-sandbox/#send-data-btwn... .
Hope this helps.
Created on ‎12-16-2016 09:10 AM - edited ‎08-18-2019 05:46 AM
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The adapter 2 tab is inactive..... should it be active?
Created on ‎12-16-2016 05:08 PM - edited ‎08-18-2019 05:46 AM
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With virtualbox, it is it a good idea to have a second adapter enabled and configured as a host-only adapter in the screenshot here.

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