Created 06-14-2023 07:37 PM
hello great guys
I get a error in hive hql
but my user have this Permissions for databases
my version is cdh6.3.4 hadoop3,hive2.1.1,Installed kerberos and sentry beeline can do this operate ,only in hql file
Created 06-14-2023 10:21 PM
@haihua Do you mean it works from beeline but not from Hive CLI? If it works with beeline, why don't we run it run it with that instead?
beeline ... -f query.hql
Also, could you try providing required privileges to the role with GRANT OPTION ? Refer to
Created 06-15-2023 12:27 AM
thank you helpbecause this script is too old. noone want change this . i mean just user's privileges in beeline is ok,not the hql file .this hql is not for beeline