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what is the root password for ssh root@localhost -p 2222 HDP 2.5


i have been able to deployed hortonworks on azure and when i ssh -p 2222 root@localhost. it asked me for the root password and when i used entered the password i used to ssh through putty to port 22, it is given error permission denied and it the same password i entered when creating my VM. So am looking forward to anyone that can help me on how to go about solve this issues because and just starting to learn this HDP. thanks



@Edgar Orendain. But the VM was just created and if i should open it on azure it will work but i just tried what you suggested. if i add them to the inbound on my vm on azure it works but having issues with running the command line commands because am not able to sign in as root user unto hdfs

@Adedayo Adekeye

Not sure about the issue with HDFS, I've been focusing on getting you connected to the VM on Azure via SSH. In the topic, you mentioned having issues SSH'ing into localhost, but it sounds like you were able to open ports and SSH into the VM? That's a viable alternative to the linked tutorial, so that's great. If that's the case, are you able to navigate the sandbox freely and now just running into HDFS issues?

Unless you open up several other ports or adjust Azure's security groups, you may run into issues later with other closed ports when connecting from the outside (i.e. your local machine). The tutorial linked above deals with that specifically.

New Contributor

root password is hadoop. you can try on on the browser terminal http://host:4200/, it should ask for a change of password


root password for sandbox (Azure/VM) is hadoop. if it doesn't work from ssh, try to open the terminal on browser (http://host:4200/)

enter username :root & password: hadoop.

it would ask you to change root password.

New Contributor

I'm running into similar issue...

I have a cluster on AWS Data Cloud. I'm able to ssh into the master node, however it's specified that we need to ssh with user "cloudbreak". After I'm in, and i do su, it's prompts me to password, but I never created root password.

I need root to install pandas, and you can only do it with root...

Any ideas?

Cloudera Employee

cloudbreak user should have su access. after logging in as cloudbreak do 'sudo su'

New Contributor

username: root

Password: hadoop