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Title | Views | Posted |
1594 | 10-28-2014 10:22 AM | |
5250 | 09-19-2014 10:26 AM | |
28013 | 07-02-2014 07:52 AM | |
4983 | 06-11-2014 01:47 PM | |
7745 | 06-11-2014 05:46 AM |
10:47 AM
Balakumar, Can't say much except the things you likely already know (sorry!): * Make sure there are no cm4 repos * run yum clean all or similar * if using CM installer, ensure you are using the correct version.
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10:55 AM
Hi Bogolese, I am definitely not a matter of authority when it comes to this but perhaps, you need to re-deploy MR1 client configuration. Have you tried that? Click on the MR1 service, then go to Actions->Deploy Client Configuration on the top right hand side of the screen.
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01:30 PM
Exactly. All I was trying to do say that removing /var/lib files will format your namenode. But there are definitely more files from many different components (from CDH and Cloudera Manager) that put files in /var/lib so formatting namenode is not necessarily going to help (and it's going to delete all your HDFS data). In fact, looking at the sizes of content in that directory, it's likely not going to help.
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01:36 PM
/var/lib is usually used to store the state of the system. So, for example, if you have namenode running on a machine, the metadata for the namenode is written in that directory. Formatting the namenode will clean out a subdirectory of /var/lib, so in general, it's not a good idea to delete those files. You should look a little more deeply into what's making that directory fill up. If they look like logs, it's likely ok to delete them but most of that directory contains things you don't want to delete from a functioning cluster.
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10:33 AM
Sounds like a problem with the mirror with the centos mirror. Are you able to reach the URL directly from the machine (say via ping/wget/etc.)? If so, try again perhaps?
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01:47 PM
Sure thing. You mentioned "CM 4.6 was installed, but I installed it before I started this process." I am assuming you meant uninstalled it? I am not sure how kosher it is to have two major CM versions running on the same box, probably not kosher at all. If you did uninstall, I think the uninstall may not have been clean. Can you perhaps, cd into /etc/yum.repos.d and make sure there are no list files there from cm4/cdh4 time? And, if so, move them out of there, do a yum clean all and try the installer again. I personally tried downloading the installer from Cloudera Express and it sure looks like it's the CM5 installer, doing the right thing and installing CM5.
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01:06 PM
Hi Bogolese, Sorry to hear! Something seems off. If you notice the version of packages it's trying to install is still from CDH4 "4.6.0-1.cm460.p0.140". Are you upgrading an existing cluster? Or, are you starting from scratch? Especially, if the latter, may I recommend a few debugging steps: 1. Let's make sure there are no old lingering packages from the past rpm -qa | grep cloudera will show you all packages with cloudera in the name, which should be good enough for now. 2. Let's run 'yum clean all' to make sure all the repo information is up-to-date. 3. You would need the cloudera manager repo for CDH5 under /etc/yum.repos.d but how that actually ends up there depends on the exact method of installation. So, let's not worry about that for now but just an fyi. Let me know how it goes. BTW, you shouldn't need to install JDK7 by yourself, so something does seem off.
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05:46 AM
2 Kudos
Hi Kevin, Doing yum remove hadoop hue-common 'bigtop-*' sqoop2-client should remove all CDH packages.
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09:26 AM
1 Kudo
Hi Annamalai, You can install Cloudera Manager for free as a part of Cloudera Express which has very nice charting and monitoring capabilities in addition to easier deployment, upgrades, service and security management.
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08:53 AM
1 Kudo
Hi ATP, All of Cloudera's distribution, CDH is open source, licensensed under Apache Software License, v2. In terms of support offerings, here is a matrix that may be helpful: Please let us know if you have any further questions.
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