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1594 | 10-28-2014 10:22 AM | |
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28013 | 07-02-2014 07:52 AM | |
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7744 | 06-11-2014 05:46 AM |
06:30 AM
1 Kudo
@shravani CM server restart required. systemctl restart cloudera-scm-server
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11:11 AM
@Gayathri68, You need to remove the pid file most likely. You'll need to find out where the pid file is stored. Use "strace" to see where it is finding the file if you are on a system where strace can be run Rundeck is no a Cloudera product, though, so you might check here:
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02:16 AM
When CM is set to managing services, its central source of configs lie within the DB. For every time a role instance is spawned, the config is generated into a special (non-/etc/…) path and the service is started with the special config dir. You could do an ls -l /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process on any host to see this, for example (the same files are available in the UI under any instance's Processes tab). So even if you remove the packages, CM faces no impact since it still has the Parcel location now for the actual binaries, and the configs are within its DB, away from being affected by RPM removals. source:
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08:02 AM
Great Info. Have one confusion. Can we start/stop services manully which was insstaled using parcles? If yes what are the configuration need to do?
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12:17 AM
Many Thanks, it worked for me! I followed Yugune's reply. The workaround is to remove /usr/share/java/*.jar from common.loader=... in /var/lib/sqoop2/tomcat-deployment/conf/
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11:43 PM
Not an issue Mshirley, many thanks for your comments. To be honest, I didn't check the cloudera-scm-agent logs after the restart so cannot say whether there were any errors reported. I'll keep that in mind next time onwards. Also, /opt/cloudera/parcels directory contained 2 files - one was named CDH (a link to the CDH5.3 directory, I suppose) and the actual CDH5.3xxxx directory (sorry, cannot recollect the exact name) which contained the /lib /bin and several other parcel directories . And yes, we did try deactivating the old parcel before downloading the new one. Unfortunately, nothing worked. Around the same time, we also did a reboot and noticed that one of the nodes did not come up. As a result, we were forced to do the re-installation again.
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11:21 PM
Hi , got same error while try to add hosts through cloudera manager. Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was 14: PYCURL ERROR 7 - "Failed to connect to 2a02:2498:1:3d:5054:ff:fed3:e91a: Network is unreachable" -In host machine * CentOS 6.6 (Final) * firewall turn off * yum update working fine Here we are using proxy ... proxy settings configured with /etc/yum.conf Regards Robin David
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10:22 AM
Hi Isra, You only need the el6 parcel on your CM server box. Cloudera Manager will however download the parcels for you so I am not sure what's happening. May be you will find something in the scm server logs under /var/log/?
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