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Title | Views | Posted |
3688 | 03-28-2018 02:12 PM | |
3006 | 01-09-2018 09:05 PM | |
1605 | 12-13-2016 05:07 AM | |
4947 | 12-12-2016 02:57 AM | |
4242 | 12-08-2016 07:08 PM |
04:58 PM
@Dmitry Otblesk , you have to use the password for root user. The same password which you used when you did SSH to the terminal.
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02:29 AM
@Osoeng Kwon , hdfs and spark user do not have any password. You should run su hdfs and su spark from root user. It would not ask your password then.
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02:19 AM
thanks for the reply @jzhang, is there any way to initialize the new sqlContext object with the first one?
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01:34 AM
Hi experts, I am using livy sparkr interpreter to do some analysis on airline data. I have registered my SparkR data frame as temporary table which works successfully but when I am running : %sql
select * from tableName It shows that table is not found. When I start sparkR, it starts a new application in Yarn and when I do select *, it starts an another application. Have a look at the yarn-applications.png. I am assuming the table got registered in the first sqlContext and I am doing select * from another sqlContext which do no have this table. Is there a way to do both operations in just one application? If this is not possible, then how do I assign the same sqlContext across all applications? Thanks in advance.
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10:34 PM
Got it working finally, thanks to @Robert Hryniewicz. Go to interpreter settings page and add the new property under livy settings - livy.spark.jars.packages and the value com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.4.0. Restart the interpreter and retry the query.
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08:17 PM
I tried that, but it didn't work
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07:52 PM
@jzhang,should I add it in the livy interpreter?
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05:12 AM
1 Kudo
@Pankaj Panjiar, this looks like a network issue. Can you please restart your VM and retry?
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10:06 PM
3 Kudos
Please follow the below steps: 1. SSH into Sandbox by typing: ssh root@ -p2222 2. Download the RStudio rpm package and install it wget
sudo yum install --nogpgcheck rstudio-server-rhel-0.99.893-x86_64.rpm 3. Install dpkg to divert the location of /sbin/initctl. yum install dpkg
dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl 4. Install R and then verify the installation of RStudio yum install -y R
yum -y install libcurl-devel
rstudio-server verify-installation 5. The default port of RStudio server is 8787 which is not opened in the Docker Sandbox. You can either add it by following this tutorial or just edit rserver.conf file to change the port to another which is opened. Let us edit the rserver.conf file, run the following sed command: sed -i "1 a www-port=8090" /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf 6. Restart the server by typing exec /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver It will take you out from the docker shell but you can re-login. Go to browser anyway and access RStudio by typing The login page will appear, use user credentials amy_ds/amy_ds.
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05:04 PM
@Xavier VAN AUSLOOS, where is the issue? I cannot see any errors. Moreover, if you scroll down, you will see this: Input(s):
Successfully read 100 records (1442 bytes) from: "drivermileage"
Successfully read 8000 records (24641 bytes) from: "geolocation"
Successfully stored 99 records (1532 bytes) in: "riskfactor"
2016-11-29 15:48:54,163 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.Main - Pig script completed in 29 seconds and 51 milliseconds (29051 ms) Check your riskfactor table, you should see your data.
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