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7038 | 03-23-2016 08:06 AM | |
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04:44 PM
Thanks for the followup, @buddi. I'm not the expert on all of these things and it would be best to start a new topic in the Storage Board about the NameNode HA/Kerberos question. Would you mind starting a new topic there?
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07:43 AM
1 Kudo
I haven't personally heard of using nscd for that purpose, but if you are using Cloudera Manager, we do provide you multiple mechanisms to tailor your log files, retention times, sizes, etc.
I would start with this doc to get a handle on what choices you have within Cloudera Manager to manage your logs?
If you can clarify what sort of alerts you'd like to reduce, we can provide more clear instructions.
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01:56 PM
@AlinaGHERMAN, unfortunately we can only assign one email addess to your community account, but I'm happy to change that email to a different address if you prefer.
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01:37 PM
Here at Cloudera, community is part of our DNA. Building a strong, vibrant, and engaged community between our employees, customers, partners, open source developers, users, admins and industry experts is critical to our success. That's where YOU come in. We want you to find value, build relationships, gain skills, and advance your projects and careers thanks to the community you are part of here.
This discussion board is an effort to further advance those goals. We want to get to know the highly talented and unique individuals who make up our community. This board provides a place for you introduce yourself, talk about your background, goals, interesting projects, and what makes you tick. It is also a place for off-topic discussion to occur. Enjoy a welcome diversion, talk about your hobbies, have fun.
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3) Our regular Terms of Service and User Guidelines still apply and we reserve the right to remove any content.
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01:14 PM
Sorry for the delayed response here, but this is fixed now. Thanks again for reporting the issue.
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11:11 AM
1 Kudo
The instructions to use Yum would only be for non-parcel and non-Cloudera Manager installations. When using Cloudera Manager, and in particular our "parcels" packaging format, you need to do upgrades through Cloudera Manager only.
This doc explains the differences between the packages that yum can handle and how we incorporate parcels.
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12:52 PM
I believe you will need to at least upgrade Cloudera Manager to the latest version (5.3.2) before it will offer you the opportunity to download newer Spark parcels. FWIW, the latest CM version should be able to install/manage up to Spark 1.2.0.
I will defer to the experts about whether you can only update Spark and not the rest of the CDH stack...
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01:14 PM
@javang thank you for closing the loop with us and posting your findings!
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02:41 PM
I got this from one of our engineers:
Impala doesn't support xml natively. Instead can you convert the xml data into one of the supported formats [1] using hive and work with them from impala. You can probably use hive to create XML based tables using xml serde [2] and then use hive to convert the data to avro based table using "insert overwrite avro_table select * from xml_table". Just make sure you create the avro_table using the avro serde and hive's insert overwrite takes care of format conversion. Btw this xml serde [2] is a third party package that we didn't test with CDH. You can probably give it a try. [1] [2]
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