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Title | Views | Posted |
945 | 12-04-2020 07:46 AM | |
1210 | 11-01-2019 12:19 PM | |
1670 | 11-01-2019 09:07 AM | |
2602 | 10-30-2019 06:10 AM | |
1315 | 10-28-2019 10:03 AM |
07:36 AM
@darkz yu First problem was with hivecli not working on one host that was fixed after correcting metastore uri in hive-site.xml on that host. Ambari alert shows that is not able to verify hive service due to exception. Caused by: Permission denied at Method) at This usually is the problem with permission issue on /tmp/hive (or /tmp), make sure you have correct permissions on /tmp to allow users to write to /tmp/ directory on host.
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06:36 AM
Please refresh the clients from ambari on the host where you are not able to do hivecli. Or copy hive-site.xml from the working host to the problem host.
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06:28 PM
@darkz yu Logs shows connection refused while connecting to metastore port 9083 thrift://hadoop2.test.yunwei.puppet.dh:9083
17/04/07 13:46:47 [main]: WARN hive.metastore: Failed to connect to the MetaStore Server...
org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Connection refused (Connection refused) Please verify if port 9083 is in LISTEN status on host hadoop2.test.yunwei.puppet.dh. Connection refused usually mean that metastore service is not running on that host(may be service is not up on the host).
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07:24 AM
This is not the complete log, generally if the authentication denied is from the ldap server end, you must see the ldap related exception before the one you pasted above. Please review complete debug log to find actual error. And is it AD or ldap for authentication? You can modify the UserSearchFilter and set it same as you have in UserSync configuration.
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04:29 AM
2 Kudos
@Ekantheshwara Basappa Ranger admin in HDP 2.5 has a new property for a truststore. So if using ldaps, you need to import the ldapserver cert to the ranger admin truststore , property name ranger.truststore.file. Although no log is being showed for failed connection to ldapserver, setting ranger debug will show that ranger admin is not able to establish ssl connection to ldap server and there by not able to validate the user login. For ranger usersync has similar property ranger.usersync.truststore.file which must already have ldap server cert in it as you have mentioned usersync is working fine. Use the same truststore file for ranger.truststore.file and see if it works. Make sure that you set the UserSerachFilter as sAMAccountName={0} if using AD for ldap accounts.
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06:46 PM
@Bhavin Tandel Add below two properties to livy-conf from ambari and see if it fix 413 error livy.http.request.header.size and livy.http.response.header.size to 131072 in livy-conf
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06:25 PM
1 Kudo
@François Vienneau Binette It looks the problem is with hdp-select versions command. hdp-select command will review the directories under /usr/hdp on each host prior to installing the pkgs. /usr/hdp should not contain any directories other than hdp version and current/share directory as below. [root@hdp1 hdp]# pwd
[root@hdp1 hdp]# ls current
There can be multiple version directories in case of cluster upgrade under this location. If you have any other directories other than these then please move those directories to other location and make sure "hdp-select versions" command doesnt return any error prior to starting the installation.
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06:09 AM
It looks that user_password is not set correctly. Can you make sure that there is no special characters included in password. Or set it again, dont copy paste from above, instead copy to notepad and make sure no specail characters included in the command before executing it on sandbox.
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05:56 AM
@Sanaz Janbakhsh In sandbox ambari-admin-password-reset should work. You can also reset password from DB. -->From Ambari server host 'psql -U ambari ambari' (password 'bigdata') --> In psql: update ambari.users set user_password='538916f8943ec225d97a9a86a2c6ec0818c1cd400e09e03b660fdaaec4af29ddbb6f2b1033b81b00' where user_name='admin' -->Quit psql -->Run 'ambari-server restart'
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07:29 AM
@yang jifei kadmin user should be available on all node managers for the job to run with kadmin user account.
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