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1254 | 11-29-2023 01:16 PM | |
1377 | 10-27-2023 04:29 PM | |
1343 | 07-07-2023 10:20 AM | |
2793 | 03-21-2023 08:35 AM | |
1030 | 01-25-2023 08:50 PM |
07:53 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @Data1701 , The metrics you are looking for would be under the Hosts view in Cloudera Manager. On the left-hand panel in Cloudera Manager click on Hosts > All Hosts. This will list all of the hosts in the cluster, along with their physical memory and cores for each. Note that, by default, not all of the necessary columns may be visible in the table. To add columns of interest (e.g. cores), in the top right corner next to "Columns:" click Selected dropdown menu and choose the columns you need to see. Hope this helps. Regards, Alex
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03:24 PM
@THR-Mario , if you want to use Grafana as a general-purpose data visualization tool, then unfortunately that's not its purpose. Grafana is meant for time-series visualization, and in the context of CDP is used for metrics monitoring. In this task Grafana is great! If you want to use Grafana to query Hive, Impala, or other large datasets, you will have a bad time. Sorry, that's not what you want to hear, but that's the reality. Regards, Alex
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11:17 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @Ragavend, Happy to hear that you are exploring CDP Private Cloud and taking on the learning of the platform in a lab environment. To answer your questions: 1. There are a few steps that are needed to access CDP Private Cloud CLI. Instructions are here: Note that you will need to allow external connections to your AWS EC2 instances in order to be able to issue commands from your laptop to the CDP cluster. This is also assuming you are talking about CDP CLI. If you are talking about AWS CLI (different tool entirely), then please see the many AWS tutorials available. 2. In order to run pyspark, the user who is executing the the job needs to be able to create a log directory on hdfs. So, instead of running your command as root (i.e. centos) try running it as your CDP admin user. Hope this helps. Regards, Alex
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01:55 PM
2 Kudos
Hi @THR-Mario , The built in Grafana dashboards that come with CDP expose operational metrics that are relevant to cluster administration. If you are looking to use visualization tools to view the data in, for example, Hive tables, you'll need to look at Cloudera Data Visualization which is a component of Data Warehousing in public cloud or CML/CDSW on-premise. Alternatively, CDP Hive is compatible with popular 3rd party data visualization tools. Hope this helps, Alex
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09:35 AM
Hi @modususer , This may indicate a problem with your license file (e.g. corruption or expired dates). The easiest check is to open the file and check the license expiry date. It will be in plain text. If that is good, there still may be a problem with the hash, if it got corrupted. Does the same exact license file work in any other environment in your organization? Also, is this a trial or production installation of CDP Base you are trying to do? Regards, Alex
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02:02 PM
1 Kudo
If you are talking about the little icons that show up next to the table names in the table list on the left-hand side of your Hue editor, then yes, "table" icon is a proper physical table, "eye" icon is a view defined on top of some statement. Hope this helps, Alex
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07:53 AM
2 Kudos
Hi @rahuledavalath , Generally, having internet access on the nodes where you are installing CDP Private Cloud simply saves you a few manual steps. However, it is absolutely acceptable to have nodes without internet and do an installation on "air-gapped" environment (e.g. see here: As for license activation, there is no need for internet access either. The license you get from Cloudera is a text file. As long as you upload it to Cloudera Manager in the appropriate installation step, there is no internet validation that needs to happen. Everything is self-contained on your hosts. Hope this helps, Alex
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09:59 PM
Hi @banshidhar_saho , Unfortunately, there is no configuration in CM that will let you change the header of the alert email or the format of the alert email. However, there is a customization you can do by developing a custom script that (a) takes in a JSON string of alerts; and (b) builds and email object and sends it off to your SMTP server. It takes some effort to write the script, but gives you all the flexibility. See more details here: If this is helpful, please accept this reply as a solution. Regards, Alex
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09:17 AM
Hi @Juanes, The command you shared should work, given that kudu-tserver process is actually running on the host. Can you list all processes and grep for "kudu" on that host? For more information see this documentation page on starting kudu on the host. If this helps, please accept as a solution. Regards, Alex
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03:37 PM
1 Kudo
When you go to this download page and login, just before you can download the file you will be presented with a click-through license agreement. The text of the agreement can be copied and studied separately. Hope this helps, Alex
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