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Title | Views | Posted |
1089 | 11-29-2023 01:16 PM | |
1170 | 10-27-2023 04:29 PM | |
1156 | 07-07-2023 10:20 AM | |
2518 | 03-21-2023 08:35 AM | |
921 | 01-25-2023 08:50 PM |
03:32 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Melon , Sounds like you are wanting to send an email alert (e.g. when a CDSW job finishes) via your corporate SFTP server. Is that correct? For configuring CDSW SMTP connection you will need to have at least CDSW Admin role and go to Admin > Settings (tab). Here under SMTP you will need to provide the following information: SMTP host address SMTP port SMTP username SMTP password Optionally, you may check "Use TLS" if your SMTP server requires this. What you are talking about in terms of VPN (Citrix Gateway) is something you may want to check with your IT organization. You should be able to upload and download project files in CDSW via the browser, when you are connected through VPN. Hope this help, Alex
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04:42 PM
2 Kudos
HiveAccessControlException suggests you are accessing this s3 location through a SQL engine (Hive or Impala perhaps). Check in Ranger, under Hadoop SQL, if the policies are set properly there to access the table you are looking at. Also, is this a RAZ-enabled environment, by any chance? If it is, please see here for RAZ setup specific to Hive table access: Hope this helps, Alex
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11:28 AM
Hi @Chhavi , the discussion of HIPPA certification is an intricate one. I would recommend to talk to your Cloudera account representative as there are many details to go through. Thank you, Alex
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08:21 AM
@Chhavi , if you are asking about "Apache NiFi", then the answer is Appache NiFi is not and never will be HIPPA certified or certified for anything similar. This is because it's an Apache project and nobody owns certification for it as such. With that said, it is likely possible to configure NiFi in a HIPPA compliant way (e.g. repository encryption). You'll need to work with your NiFi vendor for that and Cloudera is happy to help. Regards, Alex Akulov
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07:36 AM
Hi @grlzz , CDSW is typically installed/runs on edge nodes, so CM going down does not necessarily preclude you from accessing CDSW. However, if certs expired across the cluster then all services may be inaccessible. Regarding your question for command line access to CDSW. There is a CLI you can use for that: The first thing you'll need to do to use the CLI is to generate some access keys from CDSW UI, so if you can't access CDSW UI, then you may be stuck until that is resolved. Have you opened a support case for this? Kind regards, Alex Akulov
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11:00 AM
Hi Alexis, for CDP Experiences (aka Data Services) there is integration available. Please see the link below: For CDP Base, I don't believe we support external vault. Hope this helps, Alex
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12:00 PM
Could you provide the output of the DESCRIBE command for your table in Kudu.
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10:42 AM
Hi @Anyy , Your SQL statement seems to be malformed. You have "from" keyword duplicated. Please fix and try running again. If that helps, please accept as solution. Regards, Alex
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03:03 PM
1 Kudo
Strange.... As a test can you replace your hard-coded toppic name with something like ${tableName} or just try a different hardcoded string and see if that gets you further along. Not saying that's a solution, but trying to eliminate causes. Also, you mentioned you've implemented other flows already. Could it be that the topic name BUBB-MX_ALL_SOFT is already taken in your kafka cluster and thats why goldengate handler can't create the topic (though I would expect it to just write to the existing topic, instead of throwing an error). I also found this on Oracle site that may have your answer. You'll need an Oracle account to look if there is a solution though. Could this also be an encoding or trailing character issue in the props file between Unix and AIX? Overall this sounds like a GoldenGate error that may be better answered by Oracle community. Regards, Alex
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02:24 PM
Hi @roshanbi , You can simply put your sqoop command in a shell file and then have Cron run that script according to your desired schedule (depending on how frequently you expect the data to be updated in the Oracle source table). Alternatively, you can use Oozie to orchestrate the running of the sqoop job. Regards, Alex
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