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3571 | 08-30-2017 07:03 AM | |
1993 | 06-02-2017 01:03 PM | |
5158 | 02-06-2017 03:43 PM | |
53168 | 10-24-2016 01:08 PM | |
4649 | 10-13-2016 03:48 PM |
07:03 AM
Hi There, Thanks for reaching out on the community. I'm Josh, and I'll help address this for you. CM is the central point of configuration for services, so the short answer is that you should adjust log4j settings using safety valves. Below is an engineering blog post with a good description of how CM works. When a CM agent for a host heart beats to Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Manager sends back processes that should be running, and the related config files, one of which is the, for that service and role. From here, the CM agent makes a run time directory for these config files and references those. For instance, the agent will make a directory like the one bellow for a namenode role: /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/879-hdfs-NAMENODE/ this is why editing config files in on the OS has no effect, and is not recommended. Enabling audit logging: To enable audit logging for a service without navigator, you would want to set the appropriate log4j settings in the appropriate safety valve for that service. Let's use HDFS as an example. Cloudera Manager has a configuration property for HDFS labeled "NameNode Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve)". This is the one you want to put your log4j settings in. Once you've put your settings in, it will insert those into the it sends over to the agent in heartbeats. The specifics for enabling vanilla hadoop HDFS audit logging can be found bellow: Considering all of this info, bear in mind that Navigator takes care of all of this for you, as well as adding additional features. For instance, HDFS audit logs can be very bulky and cumbersome by themselves and include many operations that aren't very helpful from an auditing standpoint. Navigator is able to apply event filters to an audit log, store relevant audits, and index them for further searching. Therefore, I highly recommend enabling navigator when doing so becomes feasible. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Cheers
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01:03 PM
In CDH 5.8, queries can be exported from a user's home directory and imported to another users in JSON format. Steps bellow
1. Go to "my documents" on old user. (house icon)
2. Select the queries you would like to export. If they're in a folder, you can export the whole folder or use "cntrl click" to select multiple queries. Another option is to drag select them.
3. Click the "download" icon on the action bar at the top of the file browser. This will download the queries as a json file or multiple json files.
4. Log into the new account and go to "my documents" house icon.
5. Click the "upload" icon in the action bar.
6. Select a json file in the file browser. json files can only be uploaded one at a time.
7. Click import to finish the process.
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09:29 AM
1 Kudo
Howdy, Thanks for reaching out on this. Unfortunately, we only provide quickstart VMs for the latest version of CDH. What is your particular goal for using a 5.8 quickstart? Are you doing a POC, making test changes, etc?
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10:19 AM
2 Kudos
Howdy, Thanks for reaching out. In my experience, the Quickstart VM tends to be pretty slow, it being a single node hadoop cluster and all. I think if you want to increase responsiveness, you can try allocating more CPU cores to your VM. How many CPU cores do you currently have allocated?
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03:43 PM
1 Kudo
Howdy, Josh here, from Cloudera. Thanks for reaching out on this. As far as verifying whether or not your outlined configuration would work, the short answer would be perhaps. You might have already seen it, but I'll point to this blog post as a reference. It's a good read, and includes a matrix for deciding the specs for your cluster's nodes. If you look, you'll see the configuration you're proposing is in the neighborhood of a "Light Processing Configuration", but for every other configuration listed, it starts to fall short. As long as you don't make a fully stacked cluster with every service imaginable(it seems like you don't intend on doing that), the "Light Processing" config could suffice. You can also check out this other community post to get a better idea of how speccing your cluster could pan out in terms of how many nodes you would want. So, in short, perhaps. Let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions. Cheers, Josh
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11:35 AM
Interesting. It seems like your VM already had the packages installed for the services, even though Cloudera Manager didn't recognize them. First, try running the "Migrate to Parcels" script on the desktop. That should stop the services, uninstall them, and re-deploy the client configuration. Just ran the script myself, and the output should Idealy look like this. Feel free to share a screenshot of your console output for this If that doesn't work, try reinstalling CM with packages instead of parcels. To do this, I would recommend deleting the current VM and re-extracting the zip you download, just so you can start fresh. Let me know if it throws any warnings this time around or if you have any questions along the way. (screenshots are welcome, as always) Thank you for being so patient while we figure this out. Also, here's some fun reading to get a better understanding of Parcels, if you're so inclined. 🙂
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08:22 AM
1 Kudo
I'm still researching the issue, but in the meantime, I can definitely help you with the cluster setup. The selections on that first screen look fine. Feel free to post screen shots of anything else you have questions for.
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09:59 AM
You should'nt have to use the Kerberos or Parcels links. I'm currectly working on some additional troubleshooting steps. Thank you for your patience.
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12:05 PM
Okay, from this point, it would seem that the script could be having trouble setting up and starting the services. Could you try re-running the script with the method you described (sudo /home/cloudera/cloudera-manager --express --force) and post the output from it? We'll comb through it for any possible errors. Meanwhile, I'm working on my end to replicate this.
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03:48 PM
All of the files are there. Have you used the launch script for this VM? These guys right here. If so, did you you use the shortcut for express, or the enterprise trial?
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