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15578 | 11-01-2016 08:16 AM | |
10980 | 11-01-2016 07:45 AM | |
8370 | 10-25-2016 09:50 AM | |
1891 | 10-21-2016 03:50 AM | |
3708 | 10-14-2016 03:12 PM |
08:35 AM
though i gave the permission to view user interface, i am still facing this issue.
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12:34 AM
Hi Team, Can any one help to resolve this issue, Resources manager wnet down due to this not able start them. Error:- Service did not start successfully; not all of the required roles started: only 23/25 roles started. Reasons : Service has only 0 ResourceManager roles running instead of minimum required 1.
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12:50 PM
@emaxwell A few suggested additions to this excellent article: 1. The keystore password is not required to list the keystore via the keytool command. When prompted for a password, you can just hit "enter" without entering a password. The password would be needed if you want to export the actual privateCertEntry from the keystore which is not necessary in this procedure. 2. The ldap-provider configured in the login-identity-providers.xml file has two options for how to identify the authenticated ldap user: <property name="Identity Strategy">USE_DN</property> Above will use the full Distinguished Name (DN) as you mention in the article. <property name="Identity Strategy">USE_USERNAME</property> Above will use the string entered by user at the login window as the user identity. 3. Identity mapping properties in the file have three properties:<unique string>=<Java regex><unique string>=<Resulting string when java regex matches, Java Regex capture groups can be used here><unique string>=<NONE, LOWER, UPPER> The <unique string> can be anything but must be same exact string for all three properties. Also patterns are checked in alphanumeric order against the identity strings. First matching pattern has its value and transform applied. So you want to make sure the more complex patterns come first to avoid having wrong pattern's value and transform being applied. So a pattern like "^(.*)$" should definitely come last. The "transform" property allows you to apply an all uppercase, all lowercase, or no transform to the resulting value string. Thanks, Matt
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08:28 AM
1 Kudo
To resolve the issue, import the Ambari certificates to the Ambari truststore. To import the Ambari certificates, do the following:
Get certificate from ambari-server
echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <AMBARI_HOst>:<AMBARI_HTTPs_PORT> 2>&1 | sed --quiet '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/
Get path of ambari trustore and truststore password from Ambari properties
cat /etc/ambari-server/conf/ |grep truststore
As per your below is the path and password :-
ssl.trustStore.password=refer from file
keytool -importcert -file /tmp/ambari_certificate.crt -keystore <keystore-path>
ambari-server restart
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02:55 AM
Hi, How to configure the retention period for CDP INFRA SOLR? Couldn't find the options suggested in this post in Cloudera Manager. Thanks, Megh
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03:37 AM
Hello @jstraub , Can you please share the script? Many thanks in advance!.
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06:24 AM
Please watch the below video:- Please like comment share and subscribe my channel, If you loved it.
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03:06 AM
you should install ambari-server and ambari-agent on the first node wich you want to install hdfs service for example . the other nodes install ambari-agent only . dont forget to change (ambari-agent.ini ) hostname and the hosts file with (ip and hostname of all machines.
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10:31 PM
Hi, I have tried the same steps in Ambari. I am using HDP Here is what I have done: Step 1: Went to 'Yarn -> Configs -> Advanced -> Scheduler' and set the properties that you have given. Step 2: Restarted all the affected components in Yarn. However, I am getting an error Failed to initialize FairScheduler Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 19; columnNumber: 1; XML document structures must start and end within the same entity. Also, in "Scheduler" component in Yarn, I am only getting "Capacity Scheduler" related parameters. If I add "fair-scheduler.xml" in the same folder as that of "yarn-site.xml" and specify parameters only for "default" queue (Here I am not adding any new queue) only to change its scheduling mode to Fair, how to do it? Can you please guide me?
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07:50 PM
Hi @Jonas Straub,do as your article ,i create collection by curl command,and got the 401 error: curl –negotiate –u : ‘http://myhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=col&numShards=1&replicationFactor=1&collection.configName=_default&wt=json’ { “responseHeader”:{ “status”:0, “QTime”:31818}, “failure”:{ “myhost:8983_solr”:”org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException:Error from server at http://myhost:8983/solr:Excepted mime type application/octet-stream but got text/html. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=\”Content-Type\” content=\”text/html;charset=utf-8\”/>” <title> Error 401 Authentication required </title> </head> <body> <h2>HTTP ERROR 401</h2> <p> Problem accessing /solr/admin/cores.Reason: <pre> Authentication required</pre> </p> </body> </html> } } When I debug the solr source code, found this exception is returned by “coreContainer.getZKController().getOverseerCollectionQueue().offer(Utils.toJson(m), timeout)”,so I doubt maybe the solr don’t authenticate zookeeper info and I use a no-kerberos zookeeper to replace the Kerberos zookeeper, solr collection can be created successfully. How to solve the problem with Kerberos ZK?
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