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Title | Views | Posted |
15578 | 11-01-2016 08:16 AM | |
10980 | 11-01-2016 07:45 AM | |
8369 | 10-25-2016 09:50 AM | |
1891 | 10-21-2016 03:50 AM | |
3708 | 10-14-2016 03:12 PM |
10:21 AM
Following steps working for me:
1.Create mount points: #mkdir /hadoop/hdfs/data1 /hadoop/hdfs/data2
/hadoop/hdfs/data3 #chown hdfs:hadoop /hadoop/hdfs/data1 /hadoop/hdfs/data2
/hadoop/hdfs/data3 (**We are using
the configuration for test purpose only, so no disks are mounted.)
2.Login to Ambari > HDFS>setting 3.Add datanode directories as shown
below: Datanode>datanode
directories: [DISK]/hadoop/hdfs/data,[SSD]/hadoop/hdfs/data1,[RAMDISK]/hadoop/hdfs/data2,[ARCHIVE]/hadoop/hdfs/data3 Restart hdfs hdfs service. Restart all other afftected services. Create a directory
/cold # su hdfs [hdfs@hdp-qa2-n1 ~]$
hadoop fs -mkdir /cold Set COLD storage policy
on /cold [hdfs@hdp-qa2-n1 ~]$
hdfs storagepolicies -setStoragePolicy -path /cold -policy COLD Set storage policy
COLD on /cold 5. Run get storage
policy: [hdfs@hdp-qa2-n1 ~]$
hdfs storagepolicies -getStoragePolicy -path /cold The storage policy of
/cold: BlockStoragePolicy{COLD:2,
storageTypes=[ARCHIVE], creationFallbacks=[], replicationFallbacks=[]}
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04:06 PM @Madhan Neethiraj This restriction was prior to HDP 2.2.4
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08:02 AM
Very cool @Jonas Straub
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12:54 AM
So what about Ranger User Sync? How to do HA for User Sync? Regards
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11:27 AM
2 Kudos
@Guilherme Braccialli Please see this Master nodes, what is recommended RAM for master? Prospect asked me to consider that virtualized usually runs on machines with 512GB of RAM and usually they don't allocate more than 64GB virtual hosts. Comment: 256GB is good start - Each master node If you are referring to 512GB in each physical node then 2 VM based on 1 bare metal - Edges nodes - Knox, do we have any sizing for Knox? Comment: It' light weight instance so 64gb is good number (Depends how much traffic coming to the knox gateway) - Database servers, do we have any sizing for dedicated database servers(for metadata: Ambari, Hue, Hive Metastore, Oozie, etc)? Comment: Dedicated instance for DB is a good practice. Memory: 128GB is a good start ( Mysql, Postgres, Oracle) ( in prod, its very important to have HA for DB) CPU - dual 8 core or quad core if possible ( Assuming large cluster)
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04:25 AM
Anyone has idea of this issue. Having the same issue. Below is what i have tried so far: a.) Rebooted the machine b.) I can see all the databases HDFS fole browser /apps/hive/warehouse c.) Can list all databases using HIVE console d.) Can also list tables using Hive console e.) The only weird thing I notices is that it takes a very long time to get to hive prompt.. [hdfs@hdp-m ~]$ hive
WARNING: Use "yarn jar" to launch YARN applications.
Logging initialized using configuration in file:/etc/hive/
hive> show databases;
Time taken: 1.923 seconds, Fetched: 8 row(s)
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11:18 PM
Nevermind! Found a method to pull the hiveserver2 out of the zookeeper ensemble by deleting its znode using zookeeper client. Here's the info from MapR's website.
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12:36 PM
Any solutions that work long term?
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11:11 AM
Thank you @Ali Bajwa for good tutoral. I am trying this example with a difference, My nifi is local and I try to put tweets in a remote Solr. Solr is in a VM that contains Hortonworks sandbox. Unfortunately I am getting this error on PutSolrContentStream processor: PutSolrContentStream[id=f6327477-fb7d-4af0-ec32-afcdb184e545] Failed to send StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=9bc39142-c02c-4fa2-a911-9a9572e885d0,claim=StandardContentClaim [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1487148463852-14, container=default, section=14], offset=696096, length=2589],offset=0,name=103056151325300.json,size=2589] to Solr due to org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: IOException occured when talking to server at:; routing to connection_failure: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: IOException occured when talking to server at:; Could you help me? thanks, Shanghoosh
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06:01 AM
2181 is the Zookeeper port, make sure your Zookeeper ensemble is running and accessible. You might want to create a new question and describe your setup a bit more, it is probably easier to solve this problem then 🙂
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