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1916 | 06-09-2017 09:18 AM | |
1346 | 06-08-2017 03:01 PM |
01:28 AM
@vidanimegh ,i have changed referral to follow but still users not sync to Ranger also not able to find any error in the usersync.log. Please find below config parameters and request you to pleases suggest if anything needs to be correct. ldapUrl: ldaps://ad.HWX.COM:636, ldapBindDn: CN=user1,OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM, ldapBindPassword: ***** , ldapAuthenticationMechanism: simple, searchBase: dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org, userSearchBase: [OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM], userSearchScope: 2, userObjectClass: user, userSearchFilter: ((memberof=OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM)(memberof=CN=hdpadmin,OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM)), extendedUserSearchFilter: (&(objectclass=user)((memberof=OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM)(memberof=CN=hdpadmin,OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM))), userNameAttribute: sAMAccountName, userSearchAttributes: [sAMAccountName], userGroupNameAttributeSet: null, pagedResultsEnabled: true, pagedResultsSize: 500, groupSearchEnabled: true, groupSearchBase: [DC=HWX,DC=COM], groupSearchScope: 2, groupObjectClass: group, groupSearchFilter: *, extendedGroupSearchFilter: (&(objectclass=group)(*)(|(member={0})(member={1}))), extendedAllGroupsSearchFilter: (&(objectclass=group)(*)), groupMemberAttributeName: member, groupNameAttribute: cn, groupSearchAttributes: [member, cn], groupUserMapSyncEnabled: false, groupSearchFirstEnabled: false, userSearchEnabled: false, ldapReferral: follow
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01:48 PM
When using script to create home directories for users we can edit the script to set a quota too. For information on enabling HDFS home dir creation see: If you want to set a quota on this dir you can edit: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ # the default implementation creates user home folders; the first argument must be the username
ambari_sudo "yarn jar /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/hooks/before-START/files/fast-hdfs-resource.jar $JSON_INPUT"
while read -r LINE
USR_NAME=$(echo "$LINE" | awk -F, '{print $1}')
hdfs dfsadmin -setSpaceQuota 10 /user/$USR_NAME > /tmp/posthook.tmp
done <"$CSV_FILE"
if [ "$DEBUG" -gt "0" ]; then echo "Switch debug OFF";set -x;unset DEBUG; else echo "debug: OFF"; fi
unset DEBUG
main "$@"
Add the lines between the comments and save. Now when a user is added both a home dir is created with a 10G quota set.
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05:17 AM
it is worked for me.. thanks.
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02:23 PM
Current on version HDP-2.6.x - Ambari-2.5.x if the zookeeper principal name is changed or customized manual changes are required for HDFS, Yarn and Ambari-Infra. In Ambari - config - for yarn and HDFS: YARN_OPTS="-Dzookeeper.sasl.client=true -Dzookeeper.sasl.client.username=sand-box-zookeeper -Dzookeeper.sasl.clientconfig=Client $YARN_OPTS"
hadoop/conf/ export HADOOP_ZKFC_OPTS="-Dzookeeper.sasl.client=true -Dzookeeper.sasl.client.username=sandbox-zookeeper -Dzookeeper.sasl.clientconfig=Client $HADOOP_ZKFC_OPTS"
For Ambari-Infra/Solr
edit /usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client/ PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH $JVM -classpath "$sdir:$sdir/libs/*" -Dzookeeper.sasl.client.username=sandbox-zookeeper org.apache.ambari.logsearch.solr.AmbariSolrCloudCLI ${1+"$@"}
edit /usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr/bin/solr
#add lines below to bottom of script
ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS="$ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS -Dzookeeper.sasl.client.username=hcedhp02-zookeeper"
launch_solr "$FG" "$ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS" These services will now restart correctly and use your custom zookeeper principal name for the client connection.
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12:55 PM
5 Kudos
Ambari user sync will fail to map or import users when trying to pull from groups with 1,500+ members. What we see when we use ldapsearch to query a large group is: <snip>
member;range=0-1499: CN=Elgine Metzger,OU=users,OU=test,DC=j4ck3l,DC=net
member;range=0-1499: CN=Friedolf Welter,OU=users,OU=test,DC=j4ck3l,DC=net
</snip> This is seems to come from the LDAP Policy value: MaxValRange "MaxValueRange controls the number of values that are returned on a single attribute on a single object.
Hard Limit: 5000"
-- To fix this: Go to the domain controller that we’re connecting to for the sync Find the file ntdsutil.exe (most likely under c:\windows\system32 or c:\winnt\system32 Run the ntdsutil.exe Type “ldap policies” and enter Type "connections" and enter Type "Connect to server [YourDCName]" and enter Type "q" and enter Type "Show Values" to see the current settings Type “Set MaxValRange to 2500” and enter Type “Commit Changes” and enter Type “Show Values” and enter -- member: CN=Elgine Metzger,OU=users,OU=test,DC=j4ck3l,DC=net
member: CN=Friedolf Welter,OU=users,OU=test,DC=j4ck3l,DC=net The group should now successfully sync with Ambari
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08:38 AM
2 Kudos
When using kerberos with HDP it's not uncommon to find the odd strange encryption type floating around, possibly from a badly configured AD server. By adding the following to the Ambari -> Kerberos config section under supported encryption types its possible to isolate this issue for diagnostic. While its probably not a wise idea to run with all these enabled in production having a full list of supported types can be useful for diagnostic or reference. des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md4 des-cbc-md5 des3-cbc-sha1 arcfour-hmac arcfour-hmac-exp aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts-hmac-sha256-128 aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192 camellia128-cts-cmac camellia256-cts-cmac
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08:34 AM
2 Kudos
A quick easy way to export users from LDAP to a CSV for use in importing to Ambari. ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D bind-user -w bind-password -b OU=London\ Users,OU=my\ dept,DC=mycompany,DC=com -s sub "(objectClass=user)" | grep sAMAccountName | sed 's/sAMAccountName://g' | awk -vORS=, '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/,$/\n/'
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12:01 PM
3 Kudos
Ambari Infra Solr Fails to start with "Unrecognized option: --secure-solr-znode" check the versions of ambari-infra like below, notice the version mis-match between client and server. [root@master1 zookeeper]# rpm -qa | grep ambari
ambari-infra-solr- Upgrade ambari-infra-solr-client
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09:02 PM
Remember If you have KAFKA : you need to change at config -> kafka brokers -> listeners back to PLAINTEXT://localhost:6667 (from PLAINTEXTSASL://localhost:6667)
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