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Title | Views | Posted |
1836 | 06-08-2017 05:28 PM | |
6535 | 05-30-2017 02:07 PM | |
1752 | 05-26-2017 07:48 PM | |
4226 | 04-28-2017 02:48 PM | |
2639 | 04-28-2017 02:41 PM |
12:48 PM
You are using an array, this is why you got null values. You have 2 options: Change the expressions to $[0].ARRIVAL_DATE and $[0].BOOK_ID, and it will work Read the file and split the array using the SplitJson processor - set JsonPath expression to: $, and connect the SplitJson processor to your EvaluateJsonPath processor and it should work.
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09:01 AM
Hi, i am trying to get an ArrayList as an output of the ExecuteStreamCommand Processor using Java but I am neither getting it in the output destination attribute nor anything in the execution.status. I tried testing it with assigning an Integer too but did not work.Can you tell me if I am missing something here.
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11:06 PM
Do I need to restart the services.I added the below property but no luck. dfs.namenode.acls.enabled=true
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10:43 AM
Did you find a solution to this?
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06:30 PM
to me.. this is not the simple approach.. its very limiting and its no simpler than using the jolttransformation suggested above.
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08:26 PM
Hello @bhagan, this is a good article. Could you please add few screenshots showing the actual input/output of image processing? It's a bit harder to follow and imagine how it is going to work. Thanks !
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03:16 PM
@Gu Gur And just to add a little detail to Matt's comment, from the documentation, Regular Expressions are entered by adding user-defined properties; the name of the property maps to the Attribute Name into which the result will be placed.
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11:45 AM
Yes, I did that steps. Here you have an example of the verbose log of Ambari Agent. Each text file is the log generated in each restart of the ambari-agent. Logs -->ambari-log1.txt and ambari-log2.txt
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01:23 PM
2 Kudos
You’re seeing the effects of the sandbox running as a docker container in a VM on your host. In the image that you uploaded, you have ssh’d into the docker container, which runs in its own network, so that is why you are unable to reach the site at the IP address. However, you should be able to use localhost and get a response from the sandbox. Before starting the tutorial, with the new sandbox, you should be able to access http://localhost:8888, which will bring you to a to the Sandbox start page. I suggest clicking into the Advanced HDP page. From there you will see links to Ambari and a web-based command line.
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04:38 PM
1 Kudo
@Jasper Ranger service - configuration has details on which hadoop components is using Ranger for authorization and what policies are there which can be enabled / disabled / audited or not. These service definitions gets created when you enable ranger for the respective components from Ambari and restart the service These properties which are there against the services are used only for Test Connection and Lookup functionality which allows you to select the resource when you maintain policies, i.e auto population of the resource based on the resource name you are going to type in the field. e.g For Hive when you maintain policies if the "Database" field if there are multiple databases in hive and some of them starts with letter "d" and you type "d" in that field in brings up a list of databases which starts with "d". Same case with HDFS it will bring the matching directories for the "PATH". Same with other components too. To do this operation, Ranger communicates with respective hadoop component and brings those details. The user and config maintained here will be used for this communication and in kerberos it will be a service principal which will be used. These users will have policy to do these operations. This is the main purpose of these configuration and it DOESN'T stop you from using the RANGER plugin if the TEST CONNECTION / LOOKUP is not working. It is just for added convenience when maintaining policies. There are lot of misconception around it. In Kerberos environment in HDP 2.5 where ranger itself is kerberized , there are some "Add New Configuration" parameters get configured which maintains various users which communicates with Ranger admin to download policies, tags, service creation from ambari, service check etc.
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