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Title | Views | Posted |
2403 | 06-30-2017 05:30 PM | |
3136 | 06-30-2017 02:57 PM | |
2570 | 05-30-2017 07:00 AM | |
3042 | 01-20-2017 10:18 AM | |
5991 | 01-11-2017 02:11 PM |
04:15 PM
@hassenseoud Triggering log roll on remote NameNode hdpmaste r2/ 2016-10-24 11:25:52,108 WARN ha.EditLogTailer ( - Unable to trigger a roll of the active NN org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException (org.apache.hadoop.ipc.StandbyException): Operation category JOURNAL is not supported in state standby Check the active NN $ hdfs haadmin -getServiceState <serviceId> : dfs.ha.namenodes.mycluster in hdfs-site.xm $ hdfs haadmin -getServiceState namenode2 active Example $ hdfs haadmin -getServiceState namenode1 standby Action 2 Shutdown whichever of the above was/is the standby from Ambari ensure its stopped. Action 3 From Ambari do a rolling restart of the zk forum, wait untill all 3 or x are restarted Action 4 Execute sequentially the below cmd's $ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter $ hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace $ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave Restart the JN and the above NN service when all is green then you can safely start the standby
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12:06 AM
Default Page Size seems to be 200 on most APIs. Use query parameters pageSize and startIndex to page through the results
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07:30 PM
1 Kudo
@ManusUse the below Ranger rest API to fetch the audit logs : curl -v --insecure --anyauth --user username:password -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET https://RANGER_HOST:6182/service/assets/accessAudit
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03:04 AM
Hello all Please reply to this ASAP I am trying to install vm on my pc but my screen is sticking at the same point That Extracting and loading the hortonworks sandbox I have assigned 8 gb of ram n my laptop configuration is 8gb also and i5 n 7th gen
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12:23 AM
@jpcastillo2, as this is an older post, you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also be an opportunity to provide details specific to your environment that could aid others in assisting you with a more accurate answer to your question. You can link this thread as a reference in your new post.
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09:25 AM
I had a similar issue. You may want to check Ranger > Audit > Plugin Status to see if the policy is being applied. If it's not it may be that you have a jersey-client classpath conflict. More details here:
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05:46 AM
Hi Please check Once you enable apache nifi Ranger, you will need to add each user and the node identities in Ranger and apply policies. You can also check:
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01:28 AM
@vidanimegh ,i have changed referral to follow but still users not sync to Ranger also not able to find any error in the usersync.log. Please find below config parameters and request you to pleases suggest if anything needs to be correct. ldapUrl: ldaps://ad.HWX.COM:636, ldapBindDn: CN=user1,OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM, ldapBindPassword: ***** , ldapAuthenticationMechanism: simple, searchBase: dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org, userSearchBase: [OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM], userSearchScope: 2, userObjectClass: user, userSearchFilter: ((memberof=OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM)(memberof=CN=hdpadmin,OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM)), extendedUserSearchFilter: (&(objectclass=user)((memberof=OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM)(memberof=CN=hdpadmin,OU=bda,DC=HWX,DC=COM))), userNameAttribute: sAMAccountName, userSearchAttributes: [sAMAccountName], userGroupNameAttributeSet: null, pagedResultsEnabled: true, pagedResultsSize: 500, groupSearchEnabled: true, groupSearchBase: [DC=HWX,DC=COM], groupSearchScope: 2, groupObjectClass: group, groupSearchFilter: *, extendedGroupSearchFilter: (&(objectclass=group)(*)(|(member={0})(member={1}))), extendedAllGroupsSearchFilter: (&(objectclass=group)(*)), groupMemberAttributeName: member, groupNameAttribute: cn, groupSearchAttributes: [member, cn], groupUserMapSyncEnabled: false, groupSearchFirstEnabled: false, userSearchEnabled: false, ldapReferral: follow
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01:27 AM
@sshimpi I am getting this failure error when I do gradle clean build : The 'sonar-runner' plugin has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 3.0. please use the official plugin from SonarQube ( :clean :buildInfo :compileJava FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':compile'. > Could not resolve com.sequenceiq:ambari-client20:2.0.1. Required by: com.sequenceiq:ambari-shell:0.1.DEV > Could not resolve com.sequenceiq:ambari-client20:2.0.1. > Could not get resource ''. > Could not GET ''. > Name or service not known > Could not resolve com.sequenceiq:ambari-client20:2.0.1. > Could not get resource ''. > Could not GET ''. > > Could not resolve com.sequenceiq:ambari-client20:2.0.1. > Could not get resource ''. > Could not GET ''. > * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. BUILD FAILED Total time: 11.708 secs Please help!
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02:31 PM
username: root password: hadoop UNIX password: hadoop set new password: confirm new passord:
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