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03:34 AM
Hey @joao_ascenso! After formatting the namenode, I am not able to see my file structure as you mentioned in your answer. How can I recover the namenode metadata. The blocks are present on the datanodes, but can you help me recover them so that I can see them in hdfs using hdfs dfs -ls command like before?
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09:23 PM
@Scharan thanks a lot for replying. The solution you suggested worked! But I just wanted to know whether modifying those two properties as you mentioned will cause any decrease in the security of my HDFS or cluster anyway?
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11:48 PM
HTTP ERROR 401 Problem accessing /ui2/. Reason: Unauthorized access
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10:55 PM
Ambari : 2.7.4 HDP : Hi everyone, Recently after kerberizing my cluster, I am unable to access my Resource Manager UI. Whenever I hit on the resource manager link on Ambari, it shows up the following error : Please help me out to resolve this issue as soon as possible. @KuldeepK @Shelton @jsensharma
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- Labels:
12:23 AM
Thanks @Shelton I found that the issue was popping up because of wrong entries in my local DNS (/etc/hosts) file which I have now resolved.
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02:38 AM
Hi everyone, Ambari :- 2.7.4 HDP :- I was facing some issue with the mysql server on the host where my ambari server was running. So, I removed mysql completely with some purge commands and now after setting up the mysql server back and creating required database, users and sourcing Ambari-DDL-MySQL-CREATE.sqlas mentioned in the Ambari docs : Now, when I opened the my ambari web Ui I was asked again to setup my cluster using Ambari Installation Wizard. All agents are up and running on datanodes and namenode still but my server is not able to recognize them back ( I guess all because I reinstalled MySQL and all the ambari server data was wiped out ). Its i now asking me back to setup cluster again but I cant do that even as on the step of setting up the agents it shows that multiple java processes are running there on the agents. So my question is how to either make the server realize its previous cluster state or if I need to setup the cluser again, then how do I go about removing the installed services on the master node and the slave nodes and start the cluster setup from scratch. Thanks in advance, Please help guys! @KuldeepK @Shelton
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
11:18 PM
Hi eveyone, Ambari :- HDP :- I want to know whether postgresql in addition to MYSQL ( I will be using MYSQL in advanced database configuration while setting up Ambari server as my choice ) is needed for Ambari ( 2.7.4 ) installation or not. If it is needed should I install it on both Ambari Server host and also Ambari Agent hosts or only Ambari Server host. On which hosts is it required? Please help! @KuldeepK @jsensharma @MattWho @Shelton
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
12:03 AM
Hello everyone, I recently kerberized my cluster running Ambari 2.7.4 and HDP stack Now I am unbale to access my Resource Manager UI `http://<IP_address>:8088/ui2/`. It shows up as follows: Please help me out and let me know if any more info is needed. @KuldeepK @mattw @Shelton
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
01:26 AM
@Shelton When I use root or sudo for kadmin then it enter as root/admin@EXAMPLE.AI not what (credentials) I enter in Ambari Kerberos Web Wizard : [ Entering as root ] # kadmin Authenticating as principal root/admin@EXAMPLE.AI with password. Password for root/admin@EXAMPLE.AI: error is still there as posted above. Please help!
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