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Post's views number need a control!

Master Collaborator

Hi all,

Since my first post I remark that the post's views number in the forums increase in every open or refresh of the post.
Sometimes, there is a user that use F5 to have a huge number of views in his post!!
I think you need a control (by membre, by IP adress and/or cookies...) in this case before the increasing.

Thanks for your comprehension.


Community Manager

Thinks for bringing this up @AcharkiMed. I've seen this type of thing happen on other communities as well. While the view count is nice I also consider things like number of kudos and replies when guaging the popularity of a post. I'm assuming your concern is people thinking their post is popular when it could be them, or others, checking on it to see if there are updates. Am I correct?  


If the reason for refreshing the page is to see if there is a new reply, I would suggest checking your subscription settings. I have mine set to notify me immediately of new activity plus I look often at the notification count on most pages. 


Screen Shot 2018-04-20 at 4.26.00 PM.png 

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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