Created 06-07-2017 03:31 PM
I was following the instructions as shown at with CentOS 6.4 and installed ambari-server. The logs show that the ambari-server is up and running, but from my host machine I can't access the UI. Neither with the FQDN, nor with the IP.
I tried adding a forwarded_port within vagrant :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080
but still no luck.
Any idea what I missed?
Created 06-07-2017 06:28 PM
Turn off iptables in centos and try again
chkconfig iptables off /etc/init.d/iptables stop
Created 06-07-2017 06:28 PM
Turn off iptables in centos and try again
chkconfig iptables off /etc/init.d/iptables stop
Created 06-08-2017 06:19 AM
thanks. resolved the issue.
would be nice to include this in the quick start guide