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Facing problem in cloudera VM booting


I am facing problem to start the virtual machine. A message appears in the black box every time I start. It says- " This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.Unable to boot. Please use a kernel appropriate to your CPU." Please help.


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Community Manager

I am sorry to see you are running into an issue with the QuickStartVM. Can you describe the host system (processor, RAM, etc) that you are installing the VM onto as well as what resources you have allocated to the VM? 


I believe the issue you are running into is that your processor is 32bit while the VM requires a 64bit processor. If you look at the QuickStart VM download page the requirements list the following item.


  • These 64-bit VMs require a 64-bit host OS and a virtualization product that can support a 64-bit guest OS.


I want to double check if your processor is indeed 32bit or perhaps you are receiving the message because the OS is only 32bit. 

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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Yes I have a 32 bit processor and 2 GB RAM. kindly suggest the solution.

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Sir, I upgraded the RAM to 4GB and I rechecked the properties which mentioned that it is a 64bit OS and x64- based processor. Even after the upgradation I am still facing the same issue.

Community Manager


One issue is still going to be the RAM. While you may have added RAM to the system 4GB is the mimimum needed by the VM. That means you will need even more than that to run the rest of your host computer. For instance a Windows 10 PC requires a minimum of 2GB or RAM on a 64bit system. That would mean you need 2GB for the computer plus 4GB for the VM for a total of 6GB of RAM just to meet minimum requirements. 


Before you go buying more RAM though, lets settle the processor issue first to be absolutely sure it is 64bit. Can you advise the processor model number used in your system as well as which operating system you are using?

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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Sure sir. the specifications are as follow


Windows 10

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3120M cpu @ 2.50 GHz

system type: 64 bit operating system, x-64 based processor


Community Manager

Ok the processor looks to be ok since it is 64bit and dual core. The RAM is still going to be an issue but lets also think about some other things because the message about 64bit is still bothering me. 


Take a look at our community article on setting up the QuickStart VM. While the article is about the steps to set up the VM there is a list of common issues near the bottom of the page. The first one is what I would be interested here since you are using a Windows system. Sometimes you need to turn on Virtualization. I don't think it is the cause of the message but is something to look into just in case. 


As for the VM, can you advise the specifications you provided to it (Processor, RAM, OS)?

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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Sir I checked the bios setting and found that virtualization was disabled. Even after enabling virtualization I am still getting the similar error message. 

Community Manager

OK, can you advise on the way the VM is set up (processor, RAM, OS)?

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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