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HDP Sandbox on AWS?


Is the Hortonworks Sandbox available on Amazon Web Services as well?



HI ,

You can setup your own HDP sandbox image on AWS. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the VMWare version of our sandbox from the website.
  2. Rename the OVA file to .tar extension, extract it.
  3. Create an S3 bucket under your personal AWS account. Remember the name of the bucket!
  4. Install EC2 command line tools. Make sure they're in path.
  5. cd to the directory you extracted with the tar file.
  6. run: ec2-import-instance -t m3.large Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.X-disk1.vmdk -f VMDK -o <ACCESS_KEY> -w <SECRET_KEY> -b <BUCKET NAME FROM STEP 2> -a x86_64 -p Linux
  7. Wait ...
  8. Log into your AWS console, go to EC2, locate the new instance it created (it'll be stopped).
  9. Select instance, Action, Create Image. Switch to AMI view.
  10. Send AMI image ID to anyone. It creates an EBS volume in your account, don't remove it! It will cost about $5/month.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor This is old guide that I found

Based on my latest search in Amazon AMI , I could not find HDP Sandbox.


Hi Neeraj,

I am trying to setup the hortonworks hdp2.5 in AWS. This is test the webapplication This application uses Kafka,Storm,Hive,Hbase and many more stuffs. Could you please suggest what is the best way to go ahead ?


AFAIK, HDP sandbox AMI is no longer available on AWS EC2 now.


HI ,

You can setup your own HDP sandbox image on AWS. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the VMWare version of our sandbox from the website.
  2. Rename the OVA file to .tar extension, extract it.
  3. Create an S3 bucket under your personal AWS account. Remember the name of the bucket!
  4. Install EC2 command line tools. Make sure they're in path.
  5. cd to the directory you extracted with the tar file.
  6. run: ec2-import-instance -t m3.large Hortonworks_Sandbox_2.X-disk1.vmdk -f VMDK -o <ACCESS_KEY> -w <SECRET_KEY> -b <BUCKET NAME FROM STEP 2> -a x86_64 -p Linux
  7. Wait ...
  8. Log into your AWS console, go to EC2, locate the new instance it created (it'll be stopped).
  9. Select instance, Action, Create Image. Switch to AMI view.
  10. Send AMI image ID to anyone. It creates an EBS volume in your account, don't remove it! It will cost about $5/month.

New Contributor

Worked for me. I had to create and attach an EBS volume with /dev/sda1 (root) drive prior image creation.

New Contributor


I was creating amazon ami from sandbox to launch ec2-instance. I followed all the above steps correctly with HDP 2.3.2 and 2.4 sandbox versions. I created an amazon ami but I was not able to get Hadoop running on ec2 instance. Even I was not able to access ambari server at port 8080. I tried changing hostname of ec2-instance to "", gave security groups open to all ports but no use. When I looked at the processes started after bootstrap, I found some process like HDFS, Mapred are not started in ec2-instace which are started in sandbox in virtual box. Can someone please help me in this?


New Contributor

Hello Azeltov, thank you for the instructions. I've managed to start sandbox on an EC2 instance. Logged into Ambari however, it says Heartbeat lost against most services. See screenshot below. I believe I'm very close to exploring HDP Sandbox so any advice on this problem will be really helpful. Also I noticed on the hosts tab that the RAM allocated is 7.69GB. I've configured an m3.xlarge instance which has 15GB memory so how do I reallocate more memory to the sandbox?





Hi Azeltov,

I am trying to upload the hdp2.5 vm file ec2-import-instance-command.png into aws via cli.

I have tried the same and getting an error in step6. ec2-import-instance command is not showing up in cli

aws cli version is aws-cli/1.11.44 Python/2.7.9 Windows/8 botocore/1.5.7.

Tried the below command

$aws ec2-import-instance -t m3.large HDP_2.5_docker_vmware_25_10_2016_08_59_25_hdp_2_5_0_0_1245_ambari_2_4_0_0_1225-disk1.vmdk -f VMDK -o xxxx-w xxxxxxxxxx -b creditcardtxn1 -a x86_64 -p Linux

it says that invalid choice of command.Please let me know the correct command to execute.