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How to capture number 0 in RouteOnAttribute

New Contributor



I have a requirement where-in I have to take a count(*) using selecthiveQL and if count is 0 then I have to insert a row. 

My flow is selectHive QL → RouteOnAttribute where in I am trying to capture the 0 

Json is as below:

[ {
"_c0" : 0
} ]

can some one please tell me how to capture this zero, I tried multiple ways but not able to. 

Also if anyone has better solution pls let me know. This is quite urgent. 


Master Mentor



You can use EvaluateJsonPath processor to extract the 0 from the json you shared


Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 12.29.46 PM.png

You can name the custom property added above to whatever you like (I just used C0).
This will result in a "C0" attribute being generated on the FlowFile with a value of "[0]".

If you don't wan the square brackets around the number, you can remove them using an updateAttribute processor as follows:

Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 12.34.09 PM.png

Then you can perform your routing with the RouteOnAttribute processor.


Hope this helps,




View solution in original post


Master Mentor



You can use EvaluateJsonPath processor to extract the 0 from the json you shared


Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 12.29.46 PM.png

You can name the custom property added above to whatever you like (I just used C0).
This will result in a "C0" attribute being generated on the FlowFile with a value of "[0]".

If you don't wan the square brackets around the number, you can remove them using an updateAttribute processor as follows:

Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 12.34.09 PM.png

Then you can perform your routing with the RouteOnAttribute processor.


Hope this helps,