Created on 06-21-2016 11:11 PM - edited 09-16-2022 03:26 AM
Currently i am using spooldir(source) for copying the files from local file system to HDFS, but i want to copy files from remote windows system.
So can some one suggest which source option can i use to copy the files from remote windows system to HDFS using flume where i can specify the username and password.
Created on 06-06-2019 11:09 PM - edited 06-07-2019 12:00 AM
I added above values and that was causing https to shutdown. After deleting those values , it started and working fine now.
Thanks @Harsh J for your reply.
Created 07-06-2016 08:19 AM
It may be a bit of a long shot, but you could mount the directories of your remote server in your local server using samba and afterwards copy the files to hdfs from the command line.
Created 08-09-2016 01:00 AM
In the role HDFS there is a "NFS gateway service" that let you mount an NFS image of the HDFS.
That is one way (you can directly copy file to it). (Check the performance).
Hue (web ui) also let you upload files into HDFS (this is a more manual approach).
In our enterprise, for an automated process, we are using a custom Java application that is using the HCatWriter API for writting into Hive tables.
But you can also use the httpFs or the webHdfs.
Created 05-28-2019 03:22 AM
I am able to create only small files.
How to increase the buffer size for uploading GB's of file??
Created 05-28-2019 07:45 AM
Created 06-05-2019 03:07 AM
**************working with private ip and public ip irrespective of file size********
curl -X PUT -L -b cookie.jar "" --header "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --header "Transfer-Encoding:chunked" -T "abc.csv"
Above command is for a non-kerberized cluster. I enabled Kerberos and what parameters should I pass to put a file to hdfs?
Created 06-05-2019 06:24 PM
Created 06-06-2019 10:31 PM
I am getting 404 error when i tried to get filestatus using httpfs_ip:14000
But with webhdfs port 50070, i am getting the result. Below is successfull command but for httpfs port 14000 it's not working.
curl -i --negotiate -u : ""
*****Not working****
curl --negotiate -u : -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt
I am using coudera manager and is it requied to change
Created on 06-06-2019 11:09 PM - edited 06-07-2019 12:00 AM
I added above values and that was causing https to shutdown. After deleting those values , it started and working fine now.
Thanks @Harsh J for your reply.