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NiFi: Convert a proprietary ASCII based format to CSV

New Contributor

My data is coming in text (ASCII) files, with each line having a fixed number of fields and each field having a fixed length. I want to convert this files to CSV, like this:

Input line:


Output line:


I the example above "a", "bb", "ccc" are fields of fixed length. So, I always know exactly how to split the input line.


I looked into the ConvertRecord operator and the ScriptedReader controller service (that can be used as a record reader), but I was not able to find any example of a Python script for ScriptedReader. I found this ExecuteScript Cookbook by @mburgess, but those recipes are much more general, so I cannot use them in SciptedReader (which needs very specific objects for record processing that must be created by the script).


Can anyone give a basic example of a Python script that can be used in ScriptedReader to process records?


Alternatively, is there another way to accomplish the task (another processor)? Of course, I can use ExecuteScript processor and script the processing of complete FlowFiles in it, but my FlowFiles contain millions of records and I think this processing will be much more inefficient than SciptedReader.


Master Collaborator

You can try the ReplaceText NiFi processor withe the approached described here. That will be a clean way of doing what you want without much scripting.

View solution in original post


Master Collaborator

You can try the ReplaceText NiFi processor withe the approached described here. That will be a clean way of doing what you want without much scripting.