Created 12-28-2015 02:50 PM
Hello I got just this error without logs when executing a query though HUE: Expected state FINISHED, but found ERROR.
This happens just with one user, when I try the same query with another user with the same groups etc I have no errors, when I check log tab, I found it empty.Any idea about how to solve this?
Update: When I execute the query from hive it works with all users so should be a problem with HUE
Created 02-03-2016 07:30 PM
Finally the problem was solved... we dont really now what happened because the only change in the config was the yarn schedules, after changing it again the we think that was just a yarn schedules missconfig, but apparently the logs didn't say anything about it.
Thank you everyone and an apology for the delay in the answer.
Created 12-28-2015 02:51 PM
whats the name of the user that is getting this error?
Created 12-28-2015 03:37 PM
The username is pt0034 I'm currently trying with a new user called test-user with all the groups etc.. and doesnt work either.
Created 12-31-2015 08:22 AM
did you change any config? how did you add the user pt0034?
Could you start the query again and monitor the hiveserver2.log file (/var/log/hive/...) and check whether some errors show up.
Created 12-31-2015 02:23 AM
can you provide the logs?
Created 02-02-2016 03:47 PM
@Juan Manuel Nieto has this been resolved? Can you post your solution?
Created 02-03-2016 07:30 PM
Finally the problem was solved... we dont really now what happened because the only change in the config was the yarn schedules, after changing it again the we think that was just a yarn schedules missconfig, but apparently the logs didn't say anything about it.
Thank you everyone and an apology for the delay in the answer.
Created 02-03-2016 07:30 PM
@Juan Manuel Nieto Thanks for the final followup!!