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Trigger email alerts on processor failures in Nifi process group

New Contributor

I have a pipeline running on a daily basis, I wish to receive an email alert whenever any of the processor fails. I tried testing put email processor, I am receiving success flow files after PutEmail but email is not being generated despite entering correct SMTP details. Kindly suggest if I am missing on anything. 

My nifi pipeline flow is as follows :

getMongo > flatteJson > evaluateJsonPath > attributeToJson > queryRecord > updateAttribute > PutS3

For eg : If I get an error in QueryRecord : column 'x' not found in list of columns. This failure alert should be sent on my email.

PFB the properties I have used for configuration of PutEmail processor






Hi @Jaimin7,

I am not quite sure how your SMTP Server is configured, but everywhere I have implemented the PutEmail processors, I needed 5 mandatory properties:

1) SMTP Hostname
2) SMTP Port
3) SMTP Username (even though in NiFi it is not a mandatory field, it was a mandatory field for the STMP to allow the connection)
4) SMTP Password (even though in NiFi it is not a mandatory field, it was a mandatory field for the STMP to allow the connection)
5) From.



Having all these fields configured, I was able to send email from NiFi without any restrictions. Of course, I made sure that the firewall connection between NiFi and the SMTP Server is allowing such connections 🙂