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Title | Views | Posted |
10167 | 06-24-2020 09:21 PM | |
7151 | 05-20-2020 06:12 AM | |
1889 | 02-25-2019 12:39 AM | |
4838 | 02-21-2019 11:33 AM | |
1548 | 02-21-2019 11:16 AM |
06:27 AM
Hi All , Need some help here with the "PutHiveStreaming" Processor. I have followed all the prerequisites to set up the data flow onto "PutHiveStreaming" processor however I continue to get the following error :- Hive Streaming connect/write error, flow file will be penalized and routed to retry. org.apache.nifi.util.hive.HiveWriter$ConnectFailure: Failed connecting to EndPoint I have seen this is a fairly common error across the Nifi Forums and I guess @Matt Burgess had posted a NAR file to fix this issue however the NAR file was of version 1.0 and in my case wont work as I am using version 1.4 which is a stand alone open source version of Apache Nifi ( not HDP ). Our requirement is to extract data from database and stream it into a partitioned table on Hive. We have used the streaming option to write onto HDFS using QueryDatabaseTable -> ConvertAvrotoOrc --> putHDFS however this would just land files onto HDFS , we need to directly insert data onto the partitioned table and make data available to the end users in real time. @Matt Burgess @Shu Do you have any idea on how to get this processor working by any chance
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache NiFi
11:26 AM
1 Kudo
Thanks @Shu .. I will definitely get this done and then share the template and all the details so that others can benefit just as others are benefiting with your detailed answers ..
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12:34 AM
1 Kudo
Hey Thanks alot @Shu . As always the answer is detailed and still to the point .One quick question before I start using an exchange server or for that case gmail. I will have to open the firewalls isnt it so that my Nifi Linux server can listen to the Gmail or any other exchange server isnt it ?
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08:40 AM
@Ok , I managed to get this fixed. In oracle I can see it works a little differently. I used the following and this worked.I passed the table name followed by a "." and that seemed to do the trick. @Shu GIM.GIDB_GC_SKILL.*,'${now():toNumber():format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')}' AS LOAD_TMS
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08:28 AM
Done @Shu . I have accepted 🙂
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03:28 AM
1 Kudo
Hi , I have a requirement where by I need to read a specific email in my inbox , extract the attachment and push the attachment onto HDFS. At a high level , i think i need to use the comsume imap processor and then the extract email header and extract email attachment processors to achieve this however I need some idea on how to implement this. @Shu have you worked on this kind of a request before ? If so , then I would love to hear from you . Thanks
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
03:06 AM
1 Kudo
Ok got this fixed . In oracle , this works well if we add the table name and then a .*. So this is what I put in and my problem got fixed GIM.GIDB_GC_SKILL.*,'${now():toNumber():format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')}' AS LOAD_TMS Thanks
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12:00 AM
Thanks @Shu for trying this out . I used the double quotes but it isnt working with Oracle. For now , I will use your JSON approach as a stop gap arrangement till I find a way out to fix this. In case you have any ideas then do let me know. Thansk again
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07:25 AM
Hey thanks . I am using 1.4 version but still I am not able to get this working. Please find the screen shot below columns-from-rdbms.png So , I can see that the regular expression is working as in the error section , the timestamp is coming up however the issue perhaps seems to be with the syntax which is *, ............... . Isnt this supported ? Waiting for your brilliant feedback as always @Shu
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05:09 AM
@Shu Meanwhile , I tried using your other option and that worked which is convert Avro to JSON and then using a replace text. That was a cool approach 🙂 . However , we are doing a streaming ingestion and want to limit the number of processors , and hence prefer option 1 which is putting that extra column at the "Query Database Table" processor layer itself. cheers Abhi
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