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Created on 09-30-2022 04:16 PM - edited 11-01-2022 10:53 PM
Table of Contents
- Use Case
- Design
- Implementation
- Prerequisites
- Step #1 - Setup NiFi Flow
- Step #2 - Setup PySpark Job
- Step #3 - Identify impacted members in Hue editor
- Step #4 - View Hive tables in Atlas
Use Case
As a healthcare provider / public health official, I want to respond equitably to the COVID-19 pandemic as quickly as possible, and serve all the communities that are adversely impacted in the state of California.
I want to use health equity data reported by California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to identify impacted members and accelerate the launch of outreach programs.
Collect - Ingest data from https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/covid-19-equity-metrics using NiFi.
Enrich - Transform the dataset using Spark and load Hive tables.
Report - Gather insights using Hue Editor.
- An existing CDP Private Cloud environment with following services - Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Atlas, NiFi, Spark, Hive on Tez, Hue, HBase
- Download GitHub code here, for easy reference.
- Add covid-19-equity-metrics-data-dictionary.csv to your storage directory.
- Add member_profile.csv to your storage directory.
Steps to create this data pipeline, are as follows:
Please note that this data pipeline's documentation is in accordance with CDP Runtime Version 7.1.7.
Step #1 - Setup NiFi Flow
Go to NiFi user interface and upload NiFi-CDPH.xml as a template.
NiFi-CDPH.xml uses PutHDFS processor to connect to an existing HDFS directory. Please change the properties in this processor to use your own HDFS directory.
Execute the flow and ensure InvokeHTTP processors are able to get covid19case_rate_by_social_det.csv and covid19demographicratecumulative.csv. Verify that these files are added to your storage directory.
For reference, here's a picture of the flow in NiFi user interface -
Step #2 - Setup PySpark Job
- SSH in to the cluster and make enrich.py program available in any directory. Please change the fs variable in enrich.py program to point to your HDFS directory.
- Execute the following command - /bin/spark-submit enrich.py and monitor logs to ensure it's finished successfully. It takes approx. 4 minutes to finish.
- Following Hive tables are created by this job:
- cdph.data_dictionary
- cdph.covid_rate_by_soc_det
- cdph.covid_demo_rate_cumulative
- member.member_profile
- member.target_mbrs_by_income
- member.target_mbrs_by_age_group
Step #3 - Identify impacted members in Hue editor
Open Hue editor and explore the Hive tables created by PySpark job.
-- Raw Data select * from cdph.data_dictionary a; select * from cdph.covid_rate_by_soc_det a; select * from cdph.covid_demo_rate_cumulative a; select * from member.member_profile a;
Let's analyze this data to identify income-groups that are most impacted by COVID-19
select a.social_det, a.social_tier, a.priority_sort, avg(a.case_rate_per_100k) as avg_rate from cdph.covid_rate_by_soc_det a where a.social_det = 'income' group by a.social_det, a.social_tier, a.priority_sort order by a.priority_sort;
a.social_det a.social_tier a.priority_sort avg_rate income above $120K 0.0 10.7511364396 income $100k - $120k 1.0 14.9906347703 income $80k - $100k 2.0 17.6407007434 income $60k - $80k 3.0 21.9569391068 income $40k - $60k 4.0 25.964262668 income below $40K 5.0 28.9420371609
Let's do one more exercise and identify age-groups that are most impacted by COVID-19 in last 30 days.
This query uses metric_value_per_100k_delta_from_30_days_ago column which is the difference between most recent 30-day rate and the previous 30-day rate.select a.demographic_set, a.demographic_set_category, a.metric, avg(a.metric_value_per_100k_delta_from_30_days_ago) as avg_rate from cdph.covid_demo_rate_cumulative a where demographic_set in ('age_gp4') and metric in ('cases') and a.demographic_set_category is not null group by a.demographic_set, a.demographic_set_category, a.metric order by avg_rate desc;
a.demographic_set a.demographic_set_category a.metric avg_rate age_gp4 18-49 cases 211.566164197452 age_gp4 50-64 cases 159.875170602457 age_gp4 0-17 cases 112.383263616547 age_gp4 65+ cases 96.0969276083687
- Based on above results, below $40K is the most impacted income-group in terms of COVID-19 cases, and 18-49 is the most impacted age-group in terms of COVID-19 cases in last 30 days. You can now use this information, to filter members that are in these categories. Execute the following queries to get impacted members:
select * from member.target_mbrs_by_income a where social_tier = 'below $40K';
select * from member.target_mbrs_by_age_group a where demographic_set_category = '18-49';
Step #4 - View Hive tables in Atlas
Go to Atlas user interface, select any Hive table created in this exercise and see its lineage, schema, audits, etc.
Here's a snapshot of covid_rate_by_soc_det table in Atlas.