Created on 03-02-201804:47 PM - edited 09-16-202201:42 AM
This is for people preparing to attend my talk on Deep Learning at DataWorks Summit Berling 2018 ( on Thursday April 19, 2018 at 11:50AM Berlin time.
Many people are using IBM's excellent DSX platform which uses Jupyter Notebooks and the ever popular Kubernetes.
I wanted to try out Apache MXNet in this environment.
It's great.
Create or reuse an existing notebook. For Python, the default is Jupyter. Zeppelin is now also supported. I am using Python 2.7 with DSX Desktop on an OSX workstation.
This supports Apache MXNet.
My local Apache MXNet installation and MXNet python installation worked well with DSX. I needed OpenCV for this example, so I was able to install right inside IBM DSX via !pip install --user opencv-python.
Very easy to start a notebook and add your code, you get nice syntax coloring.
I uploaded the precompiled model
Here we can check our list of Python libraries with !pip list --isolated --format=columns.
Very easy to run your Apache MXNet code right in a notebook. Easy to share with other data scientists and engineers in your group and others.
IBM DSX Assets
You will need to download the pre-built Inception model and add that to assets.