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Inserting data from csv to a mysql database table



Hoping someone can help.

I am trying to insert data from a csv file stored on the sandbox (within /root) to a mysql database table. Below I have bullet pointed the steps I have taken and the error I am getting.

- I have a file called countrycodes.csv stored in the /root folder of the sandbox. This contains the data that I want to insert into the database.

- I have created a mysql database called forHadoop.

- I have granted privileges to user hue by:

Grant all privileges on forHadoop.* to hue@localhost identified by '1111';

- I can log into this database as hue by typing:

mysql -u hue -p

Then type the password 1111 and I am in.

- I have created a table called countrycodes within the database forHadoop.

- I want to populate the table countrycodes with the data from /root/countrycodes.csv. To do this I type:

mysql forHadoop --local_infile=1 -u hue -p

Then type my password 1111

- But when I type the below load statement I get an error message.

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘/root/countrycodes.csv’ into table forHadoop.countrycodes fields terminated by ‘,’ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’;

- The error message is: ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'hue'@'localhost' to database 'n’;'

Any idea as to what I am doing wrong? Why is access denied fro user hue?



Your user may not have the privilege

This is what you could do

a) Login as mysql using root

b) change database to forHadoop

c) Run your Load Script.

I have a tutorial for Atlas, where I create 2 mysql tables in a newly created DB instance. Take a look


View solution in original post



Your user may not have the privilege

This is what you could do

a) Login as mysql using root

b) change database to forHadoop

c) Run your Load Script.

I have a tutorial for Atlas, where I create 2 mysql tables in a newly created DB instance. Take a look



Thanks Shivaji, I managed to get it working...