here's the message
here's a quick fix, replace root with the user executing the job
Created 11-25-2015 01:23 AM
This should help:
PROBLEM Customer unable to see logs via Resource Manager UI due to incorrect permissions for the default user dr.who.
RESOLUTION Customer changed the following property in core-site.xml to resolve the issue. Other values such as hdfs or mapred also resolve the issue. If the cluster is managed by Ambari, this should be added in Ambari > HDFS > Configurations >Advanced core-site > Add Property
Created 10-29-2015 04:02 PM
Which Ambari version did you use to install the cluster?
Ambari fixed the issue in its 2.1.1 version, see AMBARI-12415. The issue was with the setting of property "yarn.admin.acl" value.
Created 10-29-2015 04:11 PM
this is in Sandbox 2.3.2
Created 10-29-2015 09:55 PM
Hi Artem,
You have steps to repro? I run a tez job and don't get the behavior.
Created 10-30-2015 04:25 AM same here sandbox 2.3.2. it's easy to reproduce, it happens to all applications created by spark-shell, spark-submit or zeppelin
Created 10-30-2015 12:44 PM
not just spark, mapreduce as well. I ran an oozie job that executes a pig script in mapreduce mode and it prompted that message
Created 10-30-2015 03:43 PM I was just able to confirm this behavior on the latest 2.3.2 sandbox when you go to Resource Manager UI , you get the same error message [Dr.Who]
Created 11-25-2015 01:23 AM
This should help:
PROBLEM Customer unable to see logs via Resource Manager UI due to incorrect permissions for the default user dr.who.
RESOLUTION Customer changed the following property in core-site.xml to resolve the issue. Other values such as hdfs or mapred also resolve the issue. If the cluster is managed by Ambari, this should be added in Ambari > HDFS > Configurations >Advanced core-site > Add Property
Created 11-25-2015 02:11 AM
Just tested this, it does work, can we set this by default in the future Sandbox releases?
Created 07-05-2016 06:15 AM
Applied the suggested parameter on our env cluster, and it works!