Log back in to SAP Cloud Appliance Library - the free service to manage your SAP solutions in the public cloud. You should have HANA and Vora instances up and running:
Open Apache Zeppelin web UI click on Connect in your SAP HANA Vora instance in CAL, and then pick Open a link for Application: Zeppelin
In Zeppelin click Create new note, name the notebook as you like ex "interact with hana data"
In the first cell lets define our imports and HANA connection information
import sqlContext.implicits._
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
val HANA_HOSTNAME = "xxx.xxx.xx.xxx"
val HANA_INSTANCE = "00"
val HANA_PASSWORD = "CodeJam2016"
4. In the next cell we will use sqlContext that was automatically created by Zeppelin to Connect to HANA using "com.sap.spark.hana"