Created on 09-12-2016 10:01 PM - edited 08-18-2019 06:15 AM
I am trying to create phoenix interpreter using %jdbc in Zeppelin using 2.5 and am not succeeding.
Steps are:
What am I missing?
Created 09-12-2016 10:07 PM
Created 09-12-2016 10:07 PM
Created 09-13-2016 04:07 PM
Thanks. What threw me off is that when creating a new jdbc interpretter (at least in sandbox) it is prepopulutated with default prefix properties and psql values.. Did not know that entire property and value needed to be deleted and recreated with new prefix (vs only new values).
Created 09-13-2016 01:35 AM
I just installed HDP 2.5 from Ambari on a small openstack cluster choosing Zeppelin from ambari.
select * from phillycrime limit 100
worked for me.
Try to restart the jdbc interpreter
Make sure you have:
edit restart remove
Optionshared Interpreter for note
phoenix.driver org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver
phoenix.hbase.client.retries.number 1
phoenix.url jdbc:phoenix:
phoenix.user phoenixuser
Created 09-13-2016 04:04 PM
@Timothy Spann very effective answer, but similar information as @Randy Gelhausen and he was first in.