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NiFi - View data provenance - FlowFile name

Master Collaborator

Hi, my question is about the option "View data provenance" in the context menu.

Is there a possibility to show the FlowFile name as extra column (maybe by configuration) analog the display when I choose "List queue"? Searching for a concrete FlowFile while testing would be much easier if I haven't got to click "i" numerous times until I find the right one.


Master Guru
@ Justen

Starting from NiFi-1.8.0 we are going to have filename same as flowfileuuid so you are able to search based on flowfileuuid to find out the specific filename.

If you are using prior to NiFi-1.8 then you can search based on filename using below process instead of clicking on "i"


Click on the right search then you are able to view search events box then keep your desired filename overthere then click on search to get only the specific file from the provenance.

View solution in original post


Master Guru
@ Justen

Starting from NiFi-1.8.0 we are going to have filename same as flowfileuuid so you are able to search based on flowfileuuid to find out the specific filename.

If you are using prior to NiFi-1.8 then you can search based on filename using below process instead of clicking on "i"


Click on the right search then you are able to view search events box then keep your desired filename overthere then click on search to get only the specific file from the provenance.

Master Collaborator


Thanks for Your answer! Using NiFi 1.6.0 --- must have been blind - indeed I haven't seen this search option, sorry. Bye!