Community Tips

Read our tips and tricks on how to use the community

How do I . . . Help on Common Community Features

Community Manager

As we mentioned in the previous announcement there are few similarities and changes you should know about as we prepare for a Cloudera Community redesign and migration of the Hortonworks Community Connection (HCC) mid-August 2019. 

Below is a list of:

  • The most common user actions in the community.
  • How the actions worked in HCC, if you were a former HCC member.
  • The new way you will find user actions in the new community.
  • Details on the user actions in the new community. 


How do I...



New Cloudera Community


Activate my former HCC Community Account

See instructions in last column


See this post HCC Members: Accessing the Cloudera Community after migration

Change my community nickname


Email us or send a Private Message to @cjervis

Note: there is a 15 character limit on usernames.

Ask a question

Create > Ask A Question

Contribute > Ask A Question

The “Create” menu will now be the “Contribute” menu for posting community articles/repos and asking questions. 

Also use the “Ask A Question” button in the main navigation from any page.

Share my expertise or troubleshooting tips

Create > Article

Contribute > Create Community Article

You can still share your expertise, tips, or technical knowledge with the community using Community Articles. Just look for the new menu options.

Search by topic

“Explore” Menu

“Browse” Menu

Browse all content via “Labels” or content type (questions, repos, articles). See our blog article on Navigating the community for further details. 

Select Track


Use “Labels” instead of “Tracks” to subscribe and follow specific topics. 

See Navigating the community for further details.

Perform an Advanced Search or Filter

Magnifying glass >search term > enter


You can still refine your search results to search content by: labels, author, date, solved/kudoed, post type, etc.

See How to Use Community Search for more.

Thank members (or “like”) an answer



Thank members for their answers by giving “Kudos” for helpful or thorough responses. Click the thumbs up to give a kudo.


Indicate an answer solved my problem

Best Answer

Mark as Solution

Let the community know one or more answers solved your problem. This will help future members who might run into a similar issue later!

solution button.png

Watch content



Or Bookmark

Subscribe to content you want to receive notifications for. In the new community you can also bookmark content. See Subscriptions and Notifications for further details. 

Manage my notification preferences

Profile > My Preferences > Notifications

Profile> My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications

By default receive an immediate email notification for your content subscriptions. You can change the frequency to: never, daily or weekly. 

See Subscriptions and Notifications for further details. 

Alert the moderator to content issues

Gear icon next to content > report

3 dots next to content > Report Inappropriate Content

Help us enforce the community guidelines! Report content issues or abuse to the moderators for their action.

Know my leader board level

Explore > Leaderboard

About The Community > Leaderboards and Badges 

In HCC there was one leaderboard based on total points. 

In the new community you will find the following leaderboards: Top solution Authors, Top Kudoed Authors, Top Repo Contributors and Top Community Article Contributors

Additionally, you can view your rank level on your own profile page. 

The Leaderboards & Badges in the new community will have more information at migration.


See this post for more. 

Learn about the new ranks



See the post on Ranks for more.

Learn about the new badge system 



See the post on Badges for more.

Manage my privacy settings



See this blog post on updating your privacy settings.

Update my time zone



Click your community avatar (next to notifications and messages) and choose "My Settings" from the dropdown. Then go to Preferences > Preference Options > Time Zone. Click "Save" when you're done.

Find my community profile and profile settings?



Click on your community avatar to access your profile.


 You can find your avatar under “Explore the Community” in the top right section of most pages. When you click your avatar, a drop-down menu will appear with options for “My Profile” and “My Settings” (and others). To learn more about profile pages see our blog post "Exploring Community Profiles"


Click “My Settings” to access your personal settings. You can read our blog on updating your personal and privacy settings to learn more. 

profile non admin my settings.png

Get back to the home page?


Click the "home" icon

To return to the homepage from where you are in the community, simply click on the home icon on the far left of the breadcrumbs at the top left of the content (below the header).

You can also click "Community" in the MyCloudera header or "Cloudera Community" in the secondary navigation.

Sort the topics on my homepage?


Any label > Filters

While you cannot sort topics by label directly on your homepage, you can click on any topic label on your homepage and all topics under that label will open up.

click label.pnglabel results.png

Find my autosaved drafts and content


Check your profile page


Learn more here: Exploring Community Profiles


Community Upgrade & Migration Related Announcement Links: 

  1. Our community is getting a little larger. And a lot better. (6/25/19) 
  2. What's Changing for the Cloudera Community  (7/11/19) 
  3. How do I . . . Help on Common Community Features (7/11/19)
  4. Important Changes Coming to Cloudera’s Community Reputation: What You Need to Know (7/24/19) 

New designs for key pages (posted before new launch):